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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Again, we all learn. ^^; Usually after wasting lots of time going all the way to a well.

If anyone needs eggs, there's a whole bunch of 'em!
Seeing a lot of fellow players farming is so cool. :D
Got two eggs, thanks, Tar! :)
If any of you crop people decide to try to help cut my next crop... Please reconsider. :P I'm going to try writing RPR in crops! XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh, how cool! :D
bessie is taking me for a ride
Dragonfire Moderator Farmers, got your axes up and ready?
darn, and i was so close to a full field. ok. time for bed, hope they at least cpook it
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm sure we will! :D
I'm so sorry about the wheat! DX I was trying to get the dead ones out.
I tried to leave behind what I picked up, but every time I go near it it freezes my screen, so maybe that was a bad idea.....

Yeah, the wheat down by the animals appears to be cursed! :'D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

OH EXCITING I've been waiting to be online when this bug occurs *runs into game*

Haha, there's a few pieces around that are cursed!

I'm not sure, but the cows and chickens don't seem to be producing despite almost full feed too...
I've had berries do the same to me a few times. Not today, though.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There's milk by the cow pen right now
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Every time this happens I have been asleep and it despawns before I'm up again XD

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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