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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There's a bunch of eggs by the chickens :)
Hhehe. I think it was the maximum amount of wheat? I had gotten like 5 from somewhere earlier, and then, three hours or so later, cue getting bombarded with wheat as I accidentally hack up part of a field. I don't know if that would have anything to do with it. :O
Chickens <3 Cows <# Bunniies and birds :,,,))) <3 <3
*<3 for the cows, too
Will note that the berries that froze me and I later managed to pick up turned out to be like a stack and a half.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think I know what's causing this existential crisis
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Thank you all, excuse me, I must away to program
And this would be why she likes lots of odd little details from as many different people as she can get, even if a bug has already been reported. XD
Ah by the way, MissPixie, if you're still in???
Wait never mind
I am heeeeeeeere!
Was gonna ask if my field could be guarded but I don't think I'll switch to mobile after all <3 <3 <3
Clearer swcreenshots, but, smaller...
Ah, okay! ^_^ Let me know if you need help with anything later on!
Thank very much, big gratitude, much hug
Hey. Any food makers currently in need of butter, cheese, or money for meat?
Waiting for four vegetables. I'm pretty excited. :D

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