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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

YEAH I think I fixed the existential crisis!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Here is your wheat, and also mine that I was using for experimenting <3
Beautiful dress, btw, Dragonfire!!
Oh awesome, thank you so much! :D :D
I didn't diiiie
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Holy --- you guys have been feeding these animals really well
*laughs in cornfield and wheatfield*
Tar and Thatnerdychick were doing crops for like an hour or something, I think
So I see giant field of corn, wheat, and eggplant. Are those meant for sharing, or no?
Dragonfire Moderator

That is a lot of eggplant, wowe.
Uhh, I'm not sure.
Thatnerdy sounded kind of upset when her field got raided, although I'm not sure which one it was.
She said she was trying to work up to a full field? So, I don't think the eggplant one was communal, although she went to bed I think so there's no telling if it'll still be there tomorrow morning. :/
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

She asked us to cook it before she went to bed. On that note... Shall we work on turning it into eggplant parmesan sandwiches?
I keep seeing various people grabbing stuff from them and no one seems to currently be managing them.
Dragonfire Moderator

I don't feel too badly about taking things from fields - it's all there to go to a common goal. :)
Dragonfire Moderator

I just try and replant what I use.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

True true. I wouldn't feel as annoyed about it if I wasn't waiting on the three specific vegetables that got picked by someone else right from under me. Still, I do think it's even less fun if I'm complaining, so I guess that's the last of it *snarfles up big snot dribble*
Do you need gold for new seeds?

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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