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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Nah, not really. I'll extract more later or tomorrow. Thanks for the offer, though! I'm gonna stop whining now, it's tiresome :P I got some of every type I'd planted, so as long as I get wood I can just get more seeds. <3
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay, I have the ingredients for 5 eggplant parmesans, except for the cheese
I'll make some animal feed for more milk if we need it 0v0
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Last I checked the cows had almost 40 feed in their trough XD
I have cheese.
Lemme go get it from the chest.
Oh, yikes. Okay then
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I just found 3 milk by the cows, so I have one cheese. :D Still need 4 more though
Where are you, Kim? By the cows?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yes, I can head toward you though
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Love the boots, btw.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Thank you so much!
Did you want pumpkin, Zelphyr?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

They appreciated the eggplant parmesans! :D
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh, dang.
Would you say it's better to give lots of food at once, a little food as you get it, or whichever?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Either one is fine. :) I just enjoy sending a lot at once so I can see all the hearts at one time XD
For instance if I cooked up a mess of waffles and chicken salad and soup earlier >.>
Awesome. <3 <3 <3 <3

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