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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think I'm going to have myself a late-night snack. We'll see if I'm back again tonight. If not, sleep well my friends!
You, too! Ciao! :D
*dives into the ocean and finds it's blue jello* :O
*eats my way into the real world*
How come we have so much eggplant? :D
I think because it can be cooked all by itself.
im back
anyone need anything spefici food wise?
Someone just came through, chopped through loads of wheat, and left it there...
oh god
some one please take my eggplants
I'll do more when I get to it. ^^;
i need to cook but everything keeps growing
Oh goodness the lag
im gonna sleep rn good night
how does the smelter work??
Ore into the top slots, burnable fuel into the lower. Wood burns faster, but is readily available; coal is harder to come by and required for making steel or purified water.
For steel, it's iron ore plus coal in the top slots; everything just uses one of the top slots.
ohhhhh got it, thanks
Is there something I have to do before being able to craft steel tools? I've got the ingots and wood, but it's still not letting me

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