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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Puzzle 9 Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Puzzle 9 Symbol in Epic Week 2021. Please stay on topic. Remember, these puzzles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. In puzzles, all information you will need to solve it is contained within Epic Week materials.

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Is this one from a rhyme, perhaps? I wanna say I know of a dwarves shield maiden character, but I don't remember what book she's from. It's Drizzt maybe? But that doesn't quite sound right.
Uhh, let's see. Speaking cryptically, names in universes like Earthsea or others with magical powers...are pretty important. They would be game changers. This could be something more specific, though.
It's probably not a vampire? Hehe. What's that bit about invitations for, I wonder..?
Inspiration... takes flight... Is it coming or going?! XD Hahaha.

Edit: just remembered this is a puzzle. Derp. Not trivia! Hahaha. Okay, so... We have names as a game changer, got it...we have... Invitation to invite... That could be about the letters between those two adorable characters, or it could be the new guy in charge of the Volcanic Order or Chromatic Council... It could even be mister serial killer spine guy! The necromancer? You know, that guy, him, whatever his name was... Ahahaha... Uhm, anyway. Could be them. I haven't read all the new research yet. :D
As for the uh part about inspiration taking flight- didn't someone say at some point in their journal that Emnunydae had been an inspiration, or a big inspiring help to them, or something? Hehe. It might have been Liri. I don't remember right now.
As for the invitation thing, I don't know about that, also. :P I should probably read the new research. Hehehe.
Dragonfire Moderator

Inspiration takes flight:

Dragonfire Moderator

A name that changes the game:


What's that code on the inspiration page, has that been used in any other puzzles...? It feels like Usim may have hid the name of the spirit he discovered somewhere in this, but the 'invitation to invite' clue does throw me off a bit.
Dragonfire Moderator

Not so far as we know yet.

I'm not sure about the invitation to invite, either, hrm. Maybe the one where Rhozora tells Usim about being asexual...? Ze kind of invites him to ask zir again.

If it helps at all, I think that reads:

2 7 5
3 1 1
6 3 1
3 17 1
4 2 2
6 5 3
4 162 (may be a space between the 6 and the 2)
2 8 1
7 7 2
7 4 7

I think that number hidden under the ‘It’ is a 7, but feasibly could be a 9. I suppose "an initiation to invite" could be to dinner and maybe "dinner" or "Rhozora" is a key code? This is a tricky one!
Usim said "I will never utter the name in full", which means... It must be at least somewhere in part! :D Maybe that fun Rune thing that's in the books and the Northwest Seal has a connection to the number codes.
So apparently the runes are on each gate, and maybe they have something to do with it, if that counts as not being in one part (which I think it does). :P Perhaps each gate has a certain amount of pieces of the name? :D

Ah, I'll try to decode more of the runes, with some of the number key things provided in the journals and letters and whatnot- It's possible it's like an alphanumerical code or something. I'll see if I can figure anything out with it. <.< >.>
Ilmarinen Moderator

Could "an invitation to invite" be the open petition urging Eladus to expand the council?
I definitely think it could!
I dunno if any of this will help, but according the the research notes the numbers next to the bird sketch are

2 7 5
3 1 1
6 3 1
3 17 1
4 2 2
6 5 3
4 16 2
2 8 1
7 7 2
9 1 7

A simple number to letter decryption gives us this.


That doesn't really mean anything to me though.
If it's a code related to dates or names or something, I don't know what there is that goes up to 17. :I I'll see if there are any dates on that day. Brb. :,)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Hint: Line word letter
Dragonfire Moderator

The invitation to invite is gonna be the important point here, I think.

*scribbles away*
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

How are we doing in here? :)
Dragonfire Moderator

Stymied, unfortunately. I've been through almost all of the letters and can't find one that fits the line/word/letter pattern for all of the given values.
Dragonfire Moderator

I was almost certain it had to be one of two, but neither of them fit, so I went through just about all the rest, and...
Dragonfire Moderator

And I was correct! The right letter was the one Rhozora sent to Usim inviting him to ask zir again. :) You can kind of see how he alludes to that in the journal page - mentioning their starlit date right in the same place where the encoded name is.

Oh! :D I knew that was most likely the right letter, but I had no idea where to go from there! XD I'm not very good with codes. Nice job!

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