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...some Harry Potter RP? Or am I alone in my small dinghy, rowing fruitlessly out to sea? Probably, I know the HP world isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I've watched movie seven at least three times since it came out and have re-read the books and am going a little Potter-nuts. If anyone's interested, lemme know. If guess you could let me know that too! Just be gentle, I have ever so many feelings.
AHA! I have a HP character :D But she's an original character. Is that okay? :3
Ell Topic Starter

Yeah! I was thinkin' original characters anyway, with canon characters kinda hovering in the background. I would just need to transfer mine over. :P
Same here xD She's also a teacher/assistant teacher. ;3
Ell Topic Starter

What era are we thinking? Tom Riddle-as-a-student? MWPP? Potter, post-Potter? I'm good for anything :D
Hmmm... I'll leave that one up to you xD -Is cool for anything-
I'm part of a hogwarts dream, on this game Furcadia- Its set around 100 years on the future, and it has its own threat, If anyone plays Furc- Check it out : o
Ell Topic Starter

@MagiQueen: Hmmm, it's a tough one! I kind of like the MWPP era, or Tom Riddle as a student era. My student OC is from the Tom Riddle era, but I'm game for either! What does your character teach?

@Valshaira: Furcadia and my computer Do Not Get Along, sadly. :/
Valshaira wrote:
I'm part of a hogwarts dream, on this game Furcadia- Its set around 100 years on the future, and it has its own threat, If anyone plays Furc- Check it out : o

I've been to several hogwarts dreams on furc but none really captured my attention. Which one is tue one your talking about? I'll stop by and give it a look see sometime.

And sadly I don'thave a harry potter character...
Heh, funny you should ask that... It's Muggle studies :/ But I can get her to teach pretty much anything since she's a very open ended character. xD -Is also sleepy and isn't understanding what MWPP is-
Ell Topic Starter

Oh, sorry, sorry! I think it's a fanfiction term? Means Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Guess I could have just said Marauders era or "When Harry's parents were still students", era.

Muggle studies, eh? Interesting! I have a character I can play at either professor level (Care of Magical Creatures, sometimes a Potions stand-in), or student level. We may need more folks, of course. :P
Ah screw it. I'll join in. Let me know what ya need and I'll whip up a character for it.
Fandomination is a fandom group you can join to do your rp, if you want. And I would also be interested if you haven't started yet :x
Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm intrigued! I would enjoy pre-Potter, but only JUST pre-Potter. Like right before he comes to school. Since I love that lineup of teachers and it's what I know best... but I don't want to RP having the HP kids around. MWPP wouldn't be SO bad. But I loves me some McGonagall. Overall I'm down with lots of things.

Harry Potter was the first forum RPing I ever did, actually... a decade ago. :') Good times! I hope to do a better job this time. >D
Ell Topic Starter

Ooh, look at all the people! I agree, Heimdallz, I am a big fan of that teaching lineup as well! I also don't want to put up with Potter because he's quite annoying! :D Ironic, no? But I think there is a fair bit of chronological leeway with that teaching lineup, if I'm not mistaken. Especially if it's mostly McGonagall you want around.

We haven't started anything yet, kuroi. I wanna figure out some sort of framework or premise so it doesn't turn into like, Laguna Beach, Hogwarts version. :P Anyone have any ideas?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Hmm. Well, if I join, I definitely only want to play with normal human characters... no vampires, werewolves, Animagi, and stuff like that. I'd like to keep it close to the books where stuff like that is really rare. :P I just prefer that sort of feeling.
I've kind of been puttering around and looking for some proper Potter RP, meself. Back in the day, I used to play a pretty awesome Professor Snape, but I'd be super delighted to play my wizard character in a Hogwarts setting. It's something I've wanted to try for ages!

I'm keen on any era, really, but my favorite's always been pre-Potter, too. It's not touched on much in the books, which leaves it really open for roleplay, I think.
Wizard wrote:
I've kind of been puttering around and looking for some proper Potter RP, meself. Back in the day, I used to play a pretty awesome Professor Snape, but I'd be super delighted to play my wizard character in a Hogwarts setting. It's something I've wanted to try for ages!

I'm keen on any era, really, but my favorite's always been pre-Potter, too. It's not touched on much in the books, which leaves it really open for roleplay, I think.

YOU played Snape? You've never told me that before. Whoa, sweet, I didn't think you had it in you. :D

And a Potter RP, hm? I'm interested, but I can't say whether I'd join up or not. My Potter-ness is rusty at best, and to be honest I never stuck with the series like others have. I enjoy it, yeah, but I just didn't keep up with it long enough to have a good memory of the pre-Harry era(s).

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