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Forums » Looking for RP » War RP anyone? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


I notice a lot of people who like to create War romances in the LF section of RP Repository, but these never really focus on what I love about these sorts of things. The tactics. As a Star Wars RP GM, Battles and War Plans are my life, and my natural home for RP. I can easily jump into a War RP with barely any issues as long as it's something that I understand, such as Star Wars or Fantasy. Now then, I offer you, le reader, a RP.

Focused on either a Fantasy or Star Wars landscape, Y/C could potentially be an enemy, an ally, or perhaps something else entirely. I can easily adjust things in order to better suit the sort of RP you wish to partake in, I could simply be a commander, opening up many different opportunities, or perhaps a fellow soldier, fighting on the frontlines side by side with Y/C. Or if it's a Star Wars RP, perhaps we could be flying in space in a starfighter, working together in a variety of situations.

If you wish to RP, or have some other ideas, shoot me a PM and I'll try to get to you.

Also, if there are a few people interested in the same topic, I may make it a group RP.

Genre info below is for a Star Wars RP, not anything else. I also do not know much about the World Wars, not enough for an in depth RP anyways.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance 40%
Romance is slightly desired, but the overall plot is more important.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

what kind of fantasy are you like looking for because i have some wings of fire characters, an female angel and a female reptilian
ChibiWeeb Topic Starter

dillmonster888 wrote:
what kind of fantasy are you like looking for because i have some wings of fire characters, an female angel and a female reptilian

Any Fantasy is fine, though I don't know what Wings of Fire is

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » War RP anyone? (closed)

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