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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Peaches (played by Reithesniper)

Peaches looks at Tiger.. And checks up on his time "Oh.. Vampire.. " she said in slight disgust which ended in Amps dropkicking her

Ignore the two, theyre in a small scuffle right now-
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He started barking at Amps and Peaches
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Alethea wrote:
Alethea tossed the dog some BACON!

He scarfed up the bacon and went to her and cuddled her and fell asledp.
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Tori walks in, observing the chaos. "I swear, every time... It just get crazier"
Amps (played by Reithesniper)

Amps nods having left the god confused.. muttering something about, why is she so fast?
Ciel (played anonymously)

Tiger Haruda wrote:
((Like the profile, Ciel! :) ))

(( Thank you! I'm still adding stuff to it, slowly. <_< ))
Athanasia de Alger Obelia (played by jennaisante)

Had the appearance of more people, or rather some of folks because mainly they weren't look like a human, made the bar held chaotic phenomenon with their creatures bumped into each other. Athy shifted her look to Alethea before went closer to her and question.

"Ale, do you think I can have any proper meal here? because my stomach having some recital.... I could probably eat a bear- kidding aside, I need a buffet!" She beamed, with her pair jewel eyes displaying a starvation.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi brushed her tails and observed the crowd around her. Oh how she missed her friends at this bar... the Dozer, The Cloaker, Inspektor Bonk... so many memories. Wherever they are, she hopes they return. For now, she shall make new friends once again!
Bulldozer (played by Revereen)

"Hey, missy!", The Dozer said to Azumi as he gave her a big hug.

"Oh how I missed you, dear friend!", Azumi cried
Local Trash Thief (played by randomentity777)

Meanwhile, outside the bar, a raccoon is rummaging through a dumpster.
"Hewwo Fox Lady. I missed you." Fumizuki also hugs Azumi.
Tiger Haruda (played anonymously)

Peaches wrote:
Peaches looks at Tiger.. And checks up on his time "Oh.. Vampire.. " she said in slight disgust which ended in Amps dropkicking her

Ignore the two, theyre in a small scuffle right now-

Tiger awkwardly and quietly shuffled back, his eyes darting around the room.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Fumizuki wrote:
"Hewwo Fox Lady. I missed you." Fumizuki also hugs Azumi.

"Oh my, I remember you! I missed you too, dear", Azumi said happily to Fumizuki, her tails wagged rapidly at her statement.
Elite (played anonymously)

Athanasia de Alger Obelia wrote:
Had the appearance of more people, or rather some of folks because mainly they weren't look like a human, made the bar held chaotic phenomenon with their creatures bumped into each other. Athy shifted her look to Alethea before went closer to her and question.

"Ale, do you think I can have any proper meal here? because my stomach having some recital.... I could probably eat a bear- kidding aside, I need a buffet!" She beamed, with her pair jewel eyes displaying a starvation.

Emily heard what the woman said and told the cooks to make the best buffet possible for the young woman. Mere minutes later, all the delicious food came out and was set before Athanasia. "Here you go. Enjoy." She smiled before she walked off.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Amps wrote:
Fake Peppino wrote:
Amps wrote:
Amps appears next to peppino and wags her finger in his face "Bad.." She said "One at a time"
"B-But popcorn explosion!" :( Fake Peppino then became sad alien boi. :C


"But if you do that you cant make any more popcorn
"Finee- :C" Fake Peppino is now certified sad boi. He's learning how things work, okey?
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

Pyro sets a table on fire, and stares at the flames with childlike glee.
Alethea (played anonymously)

"Ah, good. That table needed burning." Alethea said, "It was getting too old and that green bartender was about to throw it out."
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

Pyro makes a muffled giggling noise.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He finally would reenter and laid under a table
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea giggled with him, "Want to roast some marshmallows together?"

Then she noticed the nice looking dog, "Hello there!" She tossed him some more bacon.

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