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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"If I tense up my body I'm basically invincible... still hurts" she added, sitting up "Killer headache but for the most part I'm fine.."
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian was relieved and offered a hand to help her up, "Good."
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"Even better a pretty lady found me-" She said chuckling "If we haven't met my name is Yari..."
Nearl (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"You know, you're pretty much surrounded by women."
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian tilted her head to the side and grinned, "I am Thorian, it means Thunder. A pleasure to meet you." She said, then noticed Nearl, "I am an Amazon. When am I not?" She smirked.
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

Yari being Yari would respond to nearly with "Not all you are pretty..well I wouldn't say any of yall are half bad either.." she said chuckling "I was named after a weapon.. probably because I can make weapons-"
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Oh?" She asked, "What kind of weapons?"
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Everyone has a name, after all, and I was named after a rock. But as I would tell you, I am an old friend of the soil and earth."
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian raised a golden yellow eyebrow as she looked at Mudrock, "Oh? Have you met, Gaia?"
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"No, I do not know you who are talking about."
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"Anything, from Uzis to Greatswords, to laser canons-"
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Well..." She giggled, then created a lightning bolt in her hand, "All I can create is a lightning bolt. I say you have me beat." She put on a good natured smile.
Thorian (played anonymously)

Then she answered Mudrock, "Ah, then you have not met her." She grinned at the irony of him knowing soil and Earth but never having met Gaia.
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"Aren't you a charmer?" She chuckled "Lightning is much more powerful than my bullets.."
Thorian (played anonymously)

She nodded her agreement, "That is true, but you're laser weapons are a match for my lightning." She gave a thumbs up. "And that's a fact."
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Thorian wrote:
Then she answered Mudrock, "Ah, then you have not met her." She grinned at the irony of him knowing soil and Earth but never having met Gaia.

“Such is life, our universes are different, after all. You would be surprised to see what’s under this armor, as many people I’ve worked with were, after all.”
Thorian (played anonymously)

She looked at Mudrock with an air of curiosity, "Can I get you a drink?"
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“If you must, then I do not mind.” The armored Mudrock nodded, then reached up for her helmet, pulling it off, and like that, her armor was next to come off, revealing the short woman, lean and yet muscular, and of course, showing her Oripathy lesions. “I am Mudrock, pleased to meet you.”
He started sorting his salad cooler and started checking dates. He threw away some wilted lettuce
Thorian (played anonymously)

And just like that, her assumption she had been talking to a man resulted in a the comical look of surprise on her face. She giggled, ordering mead for herself and whatever Mudrock might have wanted.

Then she ordered a traditional Viking meal. A challenge for Mathius.

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