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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Stays hidden in the kitchen. Today, the chef wasn't feeling very social.
Elite (played anonymously)

A box of chocolates was sitting on the counter with a card from Emily that would read: Thank you for being such an awesome cook. --Emily
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

The Saiyan teleported to the bar "Oh.. haven't been here in a bit" she said rubbing her head
Elite (played anonymously)

"Welcome back." She smiled as she wiped the counter with a rag, "Can I get you some spiced wine?"
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Opening the door, a run-down, messy blonde came into the bar, bags underneath his eyes, his clothes sporting a few holes.
He had his hands tucked into his light-grey jacket pockets, as he walked to the counter.

"What do you guys have to drink here?" He plopped down on the stool after pulling his hands out his pockets and set his arms down on the counter, leaning on them.
Elite (played anonymously)

"Pretty much anything you can think of." She said, having looked him over but offered a friendly smile anyway, "What would you like?"
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller ran one of his hands through his messy hair, "I'll take some wine, don't mind what kind."
Elite (played anonymously)

"Wine it is." She said, then grabbed a glass and a bottle before she poured some in the glass before she handed it over to him, "There you go."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

He took the glass, then reached into his back pants pocket and pulled out his purple-and-black wallet.
Fumbling with it with his one free hand, he pulled out some cash and set it on the counter. "This enough?"
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily nodded, grabbing the cash, "It is, thank you." She then introduced herself, "The name is Emily. A pleasure to meet you."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller took a drink of the wine and smiled a soft grin, his eyelids low, "My name's Vaciller. Nice to meet you."
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Elite wrote:
"Welcome back." She smiled as she wiped the counter with a rag, "Can I get you some spiced wine?"

"Nah.. may I just a milkshake?"
Elite (played anonymously)

"Of course!" She grinned from ear to ear, getting a milkshake for Manico and offered it to her, "Here you go. Enjoy."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller put his wallet away and continued his drink.
His phone ringed, so he got that out of his jacket and answered it. "Whaat?" He said, annoyed.

... "Yeah, yeah I know."

..... "Shut up asshole.."

He drank a bit of wine while listening to his friend.
... "Look, if it's that important to you, go ask someone else to take you there, I'm at a bar and I'm planning to get drunk off my ass, so you don't want me driving."

..... Suddenly he just hung up, muttered to himself as he put his phone away, and continued drinking.
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

She took the milkshake smiling "Thank you, oh I've been craving one of these for years!" She laughs taking a big sip-
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily laughed, "Good thing I made it extra large." She then looked at Vaciller, "Shall I leave the bottle for you?"
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller glanced at Emily, "Oh yes, please." He said, almost in a desperate tone.
"How much extra do I have to pay? I got more cash if you need it..." Vaciller reached for his wallet again.
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

"OH, Yeah I gotta pay right.. hm I'm not sure if it's good cash here but I do have some spare Zeni.. Im just hoping it's enough"
Elite (played anonymously)

"Its enough." She smiled and nodded at Manico, "And I can convert it to useable currency so I can work with it."

Then to Vacdiller, "Oh, $36.00 for the whole bottle. Minus $10.00 for you're current glass."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller muttered under his breath, "f-word"
He dug around in his wallet, this time setting the glass down to use both of his hands to dig around in it.

Vaciller put the cash on the table and sighed. "Annnd I'm going to go broke again this week." He said to himself, putting the wallet back.

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