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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Elite (played anonymously)

Smiling sympathetically, Emily looked at Vaciller, "I could offer you a job and pay you for it if you need some cash?"
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

He perked his head up, "What kind of job you offerin'?"
Elite (played anonymously)

"Bouncer." She nodded, "You could also be a waiter or even a janitor."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

Vaciller raised his brows, "Hm, those are pretty good choices."
"Not sure how good I'd be at 'em though.."

"Buuut I do need money." He mumbled. "Okay, you got a deal, I' a janitor." He said.
Elite (played anonymously)

"Excellent!" She said, then smiled again, "You can start tomorrow. Today, you can feel free to get drunk before you're work begins. Sound good?"
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

"Hell yeah, thank you so much.." Vaciller said.
Vaciller then reached for the bottle, not quite being able to reach it.
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily giggled as she pushed the bottle into his waiting hand, "You're welcome."
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

He took the bottle and kept it close, so when he'd finish a glass, he'd pour some more inside.

Needless to say, by the end of the night, Vaciller was going to be so drunk that he wouldn't be able to stand without losing his balance.
Elite (played anonymously)

And Emily would attempt to help him to a guest room at the bar so he could sleep it off.
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

(( Aww. She's so nice!! đŸ„șđŸ„ș Who gave her the right to be so friendly and understanding, aaah-- ))
Elite (played anonymously)

((Bob did. ;) ))
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

(( Spongebob?!?! 😼 /j ))
Elite (played anonymously)

((Maaaaybe. ^_^))
"He doesn't have to touch the kitchen. The kitchen is my responsibility and mine alone. I have a very specific way I want my kitchen cleaned"
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily giggled and nodded at Mathius, "Alright, I'll leave cleaning the kitchen to you my friend."
He started pre-making a breakfast platter for his newest co-worker. He was mixing a bowl of buttermilk waffle batter after bringing the buttermilk to room temperature and mixing in the almond flour, sugar, salt, and butter.

"In many places, the syrup is the main event, but the waffles themselves are supposed to be the star of the show"
Elite (played anonymously)

"Are you sure its not the cook who is the star?" She crossed her arms and asked teasingly.
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I can’t tell if this is just being playful or if you both are flirtin’.” Regardless, Indra’s tail just
did normal tail things, whatever the heck tigers do.
Elite (played anonymously)

"I was just teasing him." She shrugged and smiled, noticing the cool looking tail, "Can I get a drink, perhaps some food?"
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

whatever’s good—and alcoholic, obviously.” Smug Indra as always, though she was busy idling about with her knuckle dusters—perhaps cleaning them, as one would.

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