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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Elite (played anonymously)

"Nice knuckle dusters." She said, complimenting her. Then she put in an order for a delicious meal of chicken enchiladas, refried beans and Spanish rice. Then she offered sweet wine to Indra.
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Well they work great for bashing in people who screw around ‘an find out.”
IMG-9205.png because why not show them in all
Elite (played anonymously)

She giggled, "I'm tempted to hire you as my Bouncer so you can keep law and order around here." She grins.
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I got me hands tied anyway—figuratively, of course.”
Elite (played anonymously)

"I just love Earth lingo." She smiled, "How's the wine?"
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Manico seems to enjoy the milkshake
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily glanced over at Manico and noticed she seemed to be liking her milkshake, "I'm glad you seem to be enjoying you're milkshake."
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“What’s an Earth, and can I kick asses on it?”
Elite (played anonymously)

"Earth is a planet and yes you can." She laughed, "Would you like an opponent to fight?"
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Nah.” She chugs down the wine in just about any uncivilized fashion you could do to it…and then… “I would like a beer if you would though.”
Elite (played anonymously)

"Certainly!" She nodded and did not seem to mind the way Indra drank her alcohol as she grabbed a cold beer and offered it to her. "Here you go."
Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“One for me too, if you don’t mind.” She raises a brow at her servant subordinate, though let’s be real, this is normal for Indra.
Elite (played anonymously)

And then she got another cold beer and offered it to Siege, "Here you go." She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to a baseball game.
He was working in the kitchen.
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

By now, and after many beers, Indra was absolutely smashed, though still under Siege’s eyes because…yeah.
He sat and sighed and scratched the bridge of his nose. The chef had been extremely tired all day.
Elite (played anonymously)

Emily offered Mathius a cup of coffee. Her very own special blend.
Vaciller Von Dernier (played anonymously)

As guessed, Vaciller was drunk as heck.
He had his head laying on the counter, and he was staring at the wall.
He sipped the coffee and nodded his thanks to Emily.
Jane Harper (played by jennaisante)

"Can I take a picture of you both?" Jane strolled up her camera and pinpoint her shutter to Emily and Mathius.

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