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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“They called it Glasgow. Now they’re less of a gang and more of my bodyguard.”
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Ah, bodyguard. A role I know all too well." She said knowingly, "I sell out my services as one sometimes."
Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Well, when your family is royalty, and a very controversial one for a couple reasons, then you need some. I mean, I am the last of my line, something that could change depending on some things.”
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Like assassins." She almost spat the name. She hates assassins.
Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Either I die, or I have a heir, or heiress. But, I’m not concerned with that.”
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"I don't know how you could assist me I just think your an interesting looking person..
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian could respect a woman who was not concerned with an heir despite the need for one.

Then she looked to the Horseman of Death, "Was that to me or to her?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"It was.. someone else" she nods her head to Ansem.. either way you look to be human.. so your no help either.."
Thorian (played anonymously)

"I may look human, but I am not. I am..." She suddenly had a pained look on her face as she glanced away, "The last Amazon."
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm.. never killed an amazon before... Shame, since your not human, I have no quarrel with you"
Thorian (played anonymously)

She grinned, "Nor I have a quarrel with you. May I buy you a drink?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm... I have time seeing the fox summoned me here.." she nods and teleports over to the counter
Thorian (played anonymously)

"What would you like?" She moved like lighting and sat at the counter beside the Horseman.
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Not sure.. whatever you'd like I guess.. suprise me..."
Thorian (played anonymously)

She ordered mead for them both. While they waited, she introduced herself, "I am Thorian. May I ask you're name?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is playing chess with a shadow clone of herself.

"Check", the clone says

"-mate!", Azumi counters by checkmating her opponent with only 3 pieces. 2 knights (her favorite pieces, as they're horses) and a queen.
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian looked at Azumi, "Very good. You must be a Grandmaster." She grinned.
Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Right now, what does concern me is taking
my rightful throne in Victoria…I’m sure this means nothing to you, being from a different world.”
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

Thorian wrote:
She ordered mead for them both. While they waited, she introduced herself, "I am Thorian. May I ask you're name?"
"I perfer the name sunrise.." She said "I don't go around calling myself the horseman of death..."
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Need help taking it?" She asked Siege.

She smiled and nodded, "Sunrise it is. An honor to meet you."

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