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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Thorian... I shall remember that name, although I don't understand what is the difference between a human and an amazon.. do you orginate on earth... is there anything phyiscal to show the difference?"
Siege (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I have plenty of help, Glasgow and Rhodes Island. Though it astounds me that some groups such as Rhodes Island have a paramilitary force.”
Amiya (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Even by the name, we do more than help people.”
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Physically, no difference. But my DNA is different from humans." She said without elaborating on how.

Then she nodded at Siege, "Then I hope you get you're throne back."
“With Rhodes backing her, she has nothing to worry about. Now…who ordered this delivery here, because I need you to sign off on it.”
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm... seems like thats enough info for me..." She said "Alright"

"All these people exsist in other worlds.. shouldve figures considering the fox isn't always here.."
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

A man covered in heavy armor walks into the bar. He scans his surroundings for anyone lurking around the corner and breathes in heavily, each exhale seething with the rage of an oppossum... that is until Azumi greets the man.

"FOX!", He exclaims, "FIRST FLOOR!"

"Indeed I am", Azumi responds, "Long time no see, Tachanka!".
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Not me." Thorian said to Texas.

Then their mead arrived and she clinked her glass against Sunrise's before took a swig.
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

The horseman looked at the mead.. and chugged it, death fears not of taste.. although she didn't enjoy it too much "Interesting..."
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian blinked a bit in surprise before she grinned and chugged down her own drink before she asked, "Didn't like it?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Its an interesting taste.. Ill get used to it.." she said, not wanting to disappoint what she deemed a friend...
Thorian (played anonymously)

"I like it because it tastes like honey." She smiled, "How about a spicy hot drink for you? Would you like that?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Sounds delightful" she said smiling for only a moment
Thorian (played anonymously)

She giggled and ordered two of the hottest and spiciest drinks this place had. As they waited, she smiled at her new friend, "So...what do you do for a living?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Kill demons.. bide my time until the appointed markers die so I can burn away life on earth... Its actually a really nice life as gruesome as it sounds.." she said casually
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Well, I hope life starts anew when you are done." She said, taking a sip of her hot drink. She coughed, covering her mouth, "Wow..."
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Much calmer than expected.. too hot?" she chuckled sipping her drink aswell...
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Just a bit." She giggled, "But its delicious so I'll tough it out." She smiled and nodded. "You like it?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Yeah.. reminds me of home unfortantly is seems Ive been kidnapped and brought here-" she chuckles again blaming reith-
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Would you like me to take you back?" She asked curiously.

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