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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Well.. Ive made a friend here... so I have time... besides the arena wont miss me, and if the markers die I'll be summoned"
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian understood, "You mentioned the markers before. Who are they, do you know?"
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

"Yari is one of them... she represents war, another one by the name of Zoe represents Conquest.. and Famine.. not sure.."
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Wait a minute." She exclaimed, "Aren't you and these markers supposed to work together?"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

An eerie pressure can be felt before the door is locked door. A vague silhouette stands in the dust. "Howdy there sunrise, darling. Yari here too?" A hand rises up as the figure steps ftwards, lifting a pair of goggles or glasses. Zoe Wynter, the infamous technician, scientist, warrior and engineer ha arrived at last.

( I wanted to something dramatic)
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Tachanka wrote:
A man covered in heavy armor walks into the bar. He scans his surroundings for anyone lurking around the corner and breathes in heavily, each exhale seething with the rage of an oppossum... that is until Azumi greets the man.

"FOX!", He exclaims, "FIRST FLOOR!"

"Indeed I am", Azumi responds, "Long time no see, Tachanka!".

After greeting the strange man clad in heavy armor, Azumi invited Tachanka to a picnic inside Trixie's Bar. An odd location for a picnic, but a peculiar one indeed.

"Pass me the butter please!", She asked Tachanka happily. Tachanka immediately responded by harshly throwing the butter onto the picnic mat.

"That was not very nice...", She commented, "I think you must learn good manners"

The fear in Tachanka's eyes was evident, letting off a tinge of humor. He did not want to learn how to hold utensils and cups, he wanted to smash objects into near oblivion. But saying no to such an adorable creature would only bring him more pain than ever. Azumi gently held Tachanka's hand with her tiny hands and they went off into another booth to learn said manners
He arrived in his star fighter. He left his swords, chest armor, and swords in the cockpit and he went inside and started setting up for the day ahead. He started his grill as well as started putting his dry and salad ingredients out for the day.
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

Zoe Wynter wrote:
An eerie pressure can be felt before the door is locked door. A vague silhouette stands in the dust. "Howdy there sunrise, darling. Yari here too?" A hand rises up as the figure steps ftwards, lifting a pair of goggles or glasses. Zoe Wynter, the infamous technician, scientist, warrior and engineer ha arrived at last.
She v
( I wanted to something dramatic)[/quote

"Zoe stop your embarrassing me-" She said

Meanwhile Yari is already was already walking over to.. probably steal her glasses-
Horseman of Death (played by Reithesniper)

Horseman of Death wrote:
Zoe Wynter wrote:
An eerie pressure can be felt before the door is locked door. A vague silhouette stands in the dust. "Howdy there sunrise, darling. Yari here too?" A hand rises up as the figure steps ftwards, lifting a pair of goggles or glasses. Zoe Wynter, the infamous technician, scientist, warrior and engineer ha arrived at last.
She v
( I wanted to something dramatic)[/quote

"Zoe stop your embarrassing me-" She said

Meanwhile Yari is already was already walking over to.. probably steal her glasses-
He was making his recipe of tomato soup. He was boiling down some plum and heirloom tomatoes, as well as stirring in some onion that he had "sweated" with olive butter, herbs, and a couple bay leaves. Once the tomatoes were broken down, he strained everything out, and set some out, and sealed, dated, and stored the rest.

(My ooc personal tomato soup recipe actually)
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

Yari is being Yari, napping in a booth nothing interesting here..:
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe is messing with Holgraphic code for her experiments. While she doesn't have her lab or supplies, she can still make some later nes of code for later.
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

Yari ran up to Zoe and just looked at her "Normally your in your lab; what brings you here?-"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

The girl looks up. "Well, if you must no, there are some interesting getting here, and most of them have nothing to do with aether!! Plus, this proves my multiverse theory, I had to see it."
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"You.. needed technology to figure that out?"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

"For the readings, yes. I have to run tests to figure out what exactly they are, and to see if we can find it back home. Everything else, no."
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

"I'm sure sunrise will find a way back before dinner-" She said chuckling
He started growing restless by not having much to do.
Elite (played anonymously)

Elite put in 50 ticket orders for a bus full of kids who were very hungry. That ought to keep the cook busy. She smiled at the thought.
Fumizuki walks over to Elite. "Hewwo gween lady."

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