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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

*an entirly black entity appears in the doorway, whilest a normal looking girl walks in through the doorway*
"void why do you have to make your entrance so flashy?"
"Simple, it is more interesting than just walking through a doorway."
"At least try to be normal ok?"
"I'd rather not"
"anyways do you have a Virgin Mary? I've been wanting to try one recently and I have no idea why..."
"Void Ale please, that is if you have it in stock. Otherwise I'd like Ale"
Elite wrote:
Elite put in 50 ticket orders for a bus full of kids who were very hungry. That ought to keep the cook busy. She smiled at the thought.

He saw the tickets, and a rush of excitement hit him. "Yes! This is it!" He set to work covering the orders. There was sizzling heard in the kitchen along with the clanging of cooking instruments
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

Rory giggled appearing in the kitchen wo watch Mathius work, she herself had no idea how to cook but liked to watch him
He had a bit of a smirk as he moved around the kitchen making the plates for the hungry children
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

Rory seemed to be interested but dare not interupt.. she was enjoying this-
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

Tachanka falls from the ceiling as he yells, "Breaching charge activated!".

He pauses for a moment to check his surroundings.

"Huh, did not expect it to work..."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi runs over to Tachanka and heals any wounds present.

"Oh my, are you okay?!"

"I am okay gremlin fox lady!", Tachanka responds very loudly. It seems every syllable he utters comes out as a yell.

"...Is that how you must refer to me as?", She facepalms
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Manico walks over to Tachanka and pokes him "Ay you good?"
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

"The gremlin fox lady helped me, so I am okay!", He just casually yells.

"I am not a gremlin!", Azumi pouts.

"Okay miss microscopic fox lady!", Tachanka smiles as he yells and pets Azumi.
Takao (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I have no comment on these state of affairs."
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

"Neither do I.. although you two seem like good friends" she said appearing next to Takao "Sup.."
He brought all of the plates up and fgave them to the children that came before hurrying back to his kitchen.
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe walks up and places down a piece of paper with an order on it, still occupied by her readings and code. The note read a bacon cheese burger, with a melty cheese sauce, and pepperoni addded with cheesy fries on the side.
Yari (played by Reithesniper)

She kinda just stood around Zoe, ready to steal her meal-
"How is the burger to be cooked? Well? Medium? Rare? What?"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

(.... Normal.burgernstuff . I'm terrible with that. Just imagine she said like, whatever Is code for normally cooked.)
Elite (played anonymously)

And the kids love their good. But oh no! A royal and her large family are planning a visit! Emily put 34 more tickets, but this time of food fit for kings, queens, princes and princesses.
He went into the meat fridge and started cooking for the royals. He chopped up some leeks and green onions as garnish.

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