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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

A small child walked next to Kimon holding her hand "This is where I come sometimes, when Im not at home!" He smiled at his daughter who is like a baby- so she didnt fully understand him-
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor perked up when he saw the child and he made a b-line straight to the little girl. His tail was wagging as he was back and fourth between the girl and her father before doing a happy wiggle in front of then and started going back and forth between nuzzling his hand and nuzzling the child's face. He suddenly sat protectively at the girl's side and looked at her as if she were the greatest thing in the world.
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Kimon couches down "Guess you found a friend Earian, good job!" Erian would laugh at Thor's nuzzling, unlike her father she was much more excited to have a friend.. as she wandered off, Kimon wasnt too worried as his other kids are nearing as strong as he is in thier youths "Good boy.. I should run and get him a treat...-" he mutters not yet ready to go-"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor followed the girl around.
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian was having a nice time just because Thor happened to be following them as she explored the bar
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor wagged his tail as he went around with her exploring.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is now a regular looking fox on all fours. It seemed she wanted to greet Thor just like a dog would. An odd desire for a fully sapient being, but a peculiar one nonetheless.

She approached the malinois and said, "I am also a 'dog' now. I am now doing dog things!"

What she did had nothing to do with how dogs greet each other and makes no sense whatsoever

"Don't worry Mr. Narrator, I got it!", said Azumi she broke the fourth- wait what, again?!
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian looked at Azumi trying to pet her as it seems.. Kimon looked slightly worried but yet again his kids get progressively stronger, he has little reason to.. unless he isnt fast enough to stop his kis from being potentially bit"
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

Tachanka made wet food consisting of tuna, corned beef, and a whole pepper of Carolina Reaper and offered it to Azumi.

Azumi reluctantly ate it as she did not want to waste food. She need some milk.

"Mr. Narrator! Milk please!", Tachanka yelled at the narrator. My characters are already breaking the fourth wall twice. Might as well.

*Ahem* I give them the milk through... somewhere. Azumi drinks it rapidly.

"Thank you!", She said to a disembodied voice she should not be interacting with.

And now Tachanka is aiming an LMG at said disembodied voice out of anger-

*Narrator hiring*
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Kimon Lotus wrote:
Eerian looked at Azumi trying to pet her as it seems.. Kimon looked slightly worried but yet again his kids get progressively stronger, he has little reason to.. unless he isnt fast enough to stop his kis from being potentially bit"

"I am a divine fox spirit, your children need not fear me. I just took on the form of a regular fox for fun!", Azumi reassured Kimon
Akagi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Because fox gods do that for some reason or another, it seems."
"Hewwo Miss Akagi."
Tachanka wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Using his clairvoyance, he spoke to Cruz "step to the left. TKe six steps, then four to the left again. Sit. Order food if you wish. I'm in the kitchen"

"Very. Spicy. Tofu.", Tachanka in an intimidating manner towards Mathius. He plans to give it to a certain white fox who appears here as a regular.

Mathius rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit at the intimidation attempt "Tofu with habanero sauce coming right up"

Mathius got the prepared tofu out of the fridge and cut it into brunoise before putting it in a wok after heating up some clarified butter. When it was halfway cooked, he added the habanero sauce to the tofu and finished it. Once it was plated, he garnished it with some parsley and sesame seeds and brought it to the pass.

"Spicy tofu at the pass"
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Kimon smiled "Thank you for the reassurance!" He said, realizing he should go on a lot more walks with his daughter even the silly little adevntures like these help her grow just a bit more-
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Tachanka wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Using his clairvoyance, he spoke to Cruz "step to the left. TKe six steps, then four to the left again. Sit. Order food if you wish. I'm in the kitchen"

"Very. Spicy. Tofu.", Tachanka in an intimidating manner towards Mathius. He plans to give it to a certain white fox who appears here as a regular.

Mathius rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit at the intimidation attempt "Tofu with habanero sauce coming right up"

Mathius got the prepared tofu out of the fridge and cut it into brunoise before putting it in a wok after heating up some clarified butter. When it was halfway cooked, he added the habanero sauce to the tofu and finished it. Once it was plated, he garnished it with some parsley and sesame seeds and brought it to the pass.

"Spicy tofu at the pass"

"I pay 10 dollars for good service", Tachanka said "calmly", "Now I give to fluffy gremlin fox!"

Tachanka approaches Azumi with another dish. This one used a less spicy pepper, which is good news for Azumi, but it seemed she cannot stomach any more peppers.

Despite this, she did not want to waste food so she ate it happily. It was tasty... except for the fact that it was rather spicy.

"Milk...!", Azumi cried out

Tachanka proceeded to drop a pint of ice cream on her face.
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian looked at azumi and grabbed at her fur.. personally as it seems she loved foxes or.. Kitsunes-
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was startled as Eerian grabbed the fox spirit's fur. It was rather soft and luxurious and one would not resist the temptation of petting a kitsune's fur.

"Ah!", she cried out, but smiled soon after"That's... adorable. My son loves to pet me too, you know!"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

The girl is still running tests and stuff. Maybe she should take a break?
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerians attention kinda switched as she approached Zoe
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

The scientist puts the experiment on auto pilot and looks down at the girl.

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