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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor recognized Zoe and he immediately ran over to see her and started jumping happily and wagging his tail
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian was quite excited about Thor's reaction.. so much so she fell onto her behind, but shes still having fun
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe smiles and proceeds to definitely follow the laws of reality and not code a bag of dog treat into exsitence. She always has those, I swear they didn't just appear. She holds one out for Thor
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian.. being a baby attempts to try and sneak a treat for herself but finds herself stopped by her father.. "Thats for doggies little lady-" he said plucking it from his daughter's hand
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor munched down the treat before he looked towards the kitchen as if he were telling Kimon and his daughter that there was food in there.
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe smiles, noticing the young girl try to grab a treat and forms a lollipop for her, giving the father a glance, as of to ask if it's ok for her to have it.
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

He nodded tat Zoe as Eerian would take the lollipop "Alright..Is there food in there boy?" He asked
"Can I has food pwease?"
"Absolutely. What would you like, Fumizuki? You can have anything you want on the menu. Would you like the chicken tenders and fries that I made for you last time?" He knelt so he could be face to face with Fumizuki.

"Would you like a glass of iced tea? I made it fresh this morning"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Kimon Lotus wrote:
He nodded tat Zoe as Eerian would take the lollipop "Alright..Is there food in there boy?" He asked

He did a little dance and tossed his head and barked before lightly grabbing Eerian by her sleeve with his teeth and tried pulling her to a booth. He would do the same with Kimon, and then he would grab Fumizuki's sleeve and pull her towards the booth as if he were herding them. He would then sit and happily bark once and then whined and tried gently pushing the little girls with his front paws to make them sit. He would whine again as he tried the same thing with Kimon.
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Kimon chuckled "who trained this little angel?"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He rested his head in Eerian's lap.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Absolutely. What would you like, Fumizuki? You can have anything you want on the menu. Would you like the chicken tenders and fries that I made for you last time?" He knelt so he could be face to face with Fumizuki.

"Would you like a glass of iced tea? I made it fresh this morning"

"Yes pwease." Fumizuki nods.
He got to work on making the little girl's chicken tenders and fries.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He got to work on making the little girl's chicken tenders and fries.

"I'd like some iced tea!", Azumi smiled.
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

"Will you put chili?", Tachanka asked Azumi

"No", Azumi said and smiled.
michal onyx (played by sammythepup)

Peeking into the bar, There was a old familiar face that hadn't shown itself in a long few months. He scanned the room seeing a few friendly faces he knew...and a lot he didn't know. He stepped inside and made his way to the bar not acknowledging any of the patrons
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

michal onyx wrote:
Peeking into the bar, There was a old familiar face that hadn't shown itself in a long few months. He scanned the room seeing a few friendly faces he knew...and a lot he didn't know. He stepped inside and made his way to the bar not acknowledging any of the patrons

"Oh... Hi", Azumi cried out and rapidly approached Michal Onyx, wagging her tails energetically.

"It has been a long time, has it not, friend?"
michal onyx (played by sammythepup)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
michal onyx wrote:
Peeking into the bar, There was a old familiar face that hadn't shown itself in a long few months. He scanned the room seeing a few friendly faces he knew...and a lot he didn't know. He stepped inside and made his way to the bar not acknowledging any of the patrons

"Oh... Hi", Azumi cried out and rapidly approached Michal Onyx, wagging her tails energetically.

"It has been a long time, has it not, friend?"
"That it has old friend" his stoic expression cracked away as a warm smile peeked through "let us sit and catch up on each other's going ons"
He misheard Michal and he spoke up "you'd like an order of onion rings? I have to make the batter, but it won't take long....."

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