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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

pumy wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Addressing Pumy, he was quite gentle and kind, with a hint of professionalism. Her demeanor was rather endearing to the cosmic warrior, so he continued to be gentle as he spoke "no, thank you for joining us here at Trixie's. I'm Mathius, the chef"

Pumy responds in the exact same gentle yet professional tone as Mathius, her large wet saliva soaked lips bounce and jiggle as she speaks.

"Hello, Mathius. I'm Pumy. This is such a wonderful and lively place. *slurrp!*"

"Pleased to meet you, Pumy"
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Cruz looked up and motioned to Mathius, "Could I get a lemonade please?"
Suddenly, Cruz's phone buzzed, which caused Cruz to have a distressed look on his face.

"Sorry." He apologized to Mathius before grabbing his phone and answering it, putting it to his ear.

"Yes Ms. Nessie?" He replied.

Though the words of the other person not understandable, it was still heard if someone was nearby Cruz at this time. Yelling, lots of it. Female, it seemed.

Cruz listened, putting his hand on his head in a bit of a facepalm way, his eyes slowly and faintly beginning having those strange swirls in them. It seems when Cruz is feeling negative emotion, those swirls appear.
Mathius took the phone from Cruz "hello, I am the head chef over at Trixie's. You're antagonizing my customer, and I'm going to ask you to stop" he said sternly
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Cruz was alarmed when Mathius took the phone from him.
He looked panicked that Mathius was talking to Nessie.

Nessie replied, "Your customer is my fashion star! I am his vice-manager." She said

Cruz suddenly snatched the phone back from Mathius and gave him a look that basically said 'Cut it out, you're gonna get me fired!!' but it didn't seem in an angry way, but an afraid way.

"I'm so so sorry Ms. Nessie, about.. that." He said to her, which was followed by a few angry shouts from her and the phone being hung up. Cruz sighed and put the phone down.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(character deleted <3)
(thanks for all the fun we've had!)
pumy (played anonymously)

Pumy still seated, has once again reverted into her mindless catatonic stupor. It's like a robot in some kind of standby mode, barely even seemingly alive. Someone from across the room throws a crumpled up napkin at her and it lands upon her face, blanketing it and obscuring her features, but still she remained statue-esque unable to operate without another presence speaking to her.
Cruz De Vil wrote:
"...Why did you do that?" He asked Mathius, with a genuinely confused voice. It wasn't a mad voice at all, just..confused.

"I take care of my customers. We have regular lemonade, we have kiwi lemonade, and we also have berry lemonade" he asked Cruz.
pumy wrote:
Pumy still seated, has once again reverted into her mindless catatonic stupor. It's like a robot in some kind of standby mode, barely even seemingly alive. Someone from across the room throws a crumpled up napkin at her and it lands upon her face, blanketing it and obscuring her features, but still she remained statue-esque unable to operate without another presence speaking to her.

He shot the customer who threw it a deathly stare and mouthed "I will hurt you....."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He walked in, as usual carrying his kitten Piano. He glanced at hereone, but then saw Pumy. He went over smiling at her. "Hi. You look like a nice person. Can I sit with you?" The Saiyan asked in his innocent tone. He
pumy (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
pumy wrote:
Pumy still seated, has once again reverted into her mindless catatonic stupor. It's like a robot in some kind of standby mode, barely even seemingly alive. Someone from across the room throws a crumpled up napkin at her and it lands upon her face, blanketing it and obscuring her features, but still she remained statue-esque unable to operate without another presence speaking to her.

He shot the customer who threw it a deathly stare and mouthed "I will hurt you....."

Pumy suddenly comes to life full of fear, her big lips quivering. She sheepishly dips her head and whimpers before uttering "*Sluurpppp* I-I-I'm sorry!!! I didnt m-mean to cause trouble!"

A sudden feeling of respect for Mathius starts to mesh with her fear.
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe sighs. "This place never does get quiet, does it?"
"No, no. I wasn't talking to you. You didn't do anything" He clarified to Pumy.

He then perked a brow at Zoe's words "if you're in search of a quiet public venue, might I suggest a library? This is a bar that serves alcoholic beverages and food"
pumy (played anonymously)

Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He walked in, as usual carrying his kitten Piano. He glanced at hereone, but then saw Pumy. He went over smiling at her. "Hi. You look like a nice person. Can I sit with you?" The Saiyan asked in his innocent tone. He

Pumy responds mirroring his innocent tone and smile "*slurp* yes of course."
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(character deleted <3)
(thanks for all the fun we've had!)
"Coming right up..." he left and returned with the pint-sized glass of lemonade "we have free refills. Lemons and sugar are included in our write-off expenses"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

pumy wrote:
Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He walked in, as usual carrying his kitten Piano. He glanced at hereone, but then saw Pumy. He went over smiling at her. "Hi. You look like a nice person. Can I sit with you?" The Saiyan asked in his innocent tone. He

Pumy responds mirroring his innocent tone and smile "*slurp* yes of course."

He smiled and sat across from her holding his kitten. "You seem nice. Nice people are good"
pumy (played anonymously)

Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
pumy wrote:
Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He walked in, as usual carrying his kitten Piano. He glanced at hereone, but then saw Pumy. He went over smiling at her. "Hi. You look like a nice person. Can I sit with you?" The Saiyan asked in his innocent tone. He

Pumy responds mirroring his innocent tone and smile "*slurp* yes of course."

He smiled and sat across from her holding his kitten. "You seem nice. Nice people are good"

She smiles just he does "You seem nice too. Nice people are *slurppp*...good."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He tilted his head "you can hold my kitten if you want....his name is Piano"
pumy (played anonymously)

Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He tilted his head "you can hold my kitten if you want....his name is Piano"

Pumy tilts her head as well then holds the kitten and pets it gently. "Hi Piano" she says using Oniyan's cadence, tone and pacing.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(character deleted <3)
(thanks for all the fun we've had!)

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

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