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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Yuu (played anonymously)

Grim sniffed the air and finally managed to escape Yuu's arms and headed into the kitchen. Yuu chased after him, "You bastard--"

Grim crawled onto the table and he ran towards the onions, but slipped on a wet spot on the counter and slipped right into the kitchen sink. Yuu halted, his shoes squeaking against the floor and he quickly picked Grim up, who was now soaking wet. Yuu looked at Mathius and apologized, "I am soo sorry! This idiot got on the loose again. He goes crazy for food."
Yuu (played anonymously)

"Myaah the food smells so good.." Grim frowned, ears slick back and tail flicking, clearly annoyed by Yuu preventing him from getting the food.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He kinda shuffled into the bar. Hid suit opened and he stepped out and say at the bar and put his head down and sat there silently. His usual happy-go-lucky zaniness was gone, and now he just walked around and operated as if he was in a dense fog.
Theo notices Andrew and makes his way over. "Hey friend. What's up?"
Cruz De Vil wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Hi there, remember me?", Azumi smiled at Cruz.

Azumi then took a glance at Theo and smiled at him too.

"Don't mind him, he's my friend!", She said to Cruz, "How's your day been?"

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Oh, he's only a child!", Azumi said happily, "I'm sure an outside help from a divine fox spirit such as myself could help him change his ways, Theo!"

With what Theo said in mind, Azumi suddenly turned to Cruz and put her hands on her waist like a mother would.

"You... haven't been hurting any animals have you? My poor heart could not bear a youngling like you to hurt any creatures!", She said sternly, but in a way that showed concern for Cruz

(( Not me being forgetful. 😭 Have we met before?? ))

Cruz looked up at Azumi and nervously smiled. "Um. Of course."
Despite Azumi being a fox (spirit), he didn't think about how her fur would be a good coat.

Perhaps her motherly energy nullified those thoughts.

((Lol we did, though idk what page our characters met. I believe Theo was also a part of that too XD)
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

Andrew lifted his head and forced a smile before reaching up and booping Theo on his nose with his index finger "boop"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe walks over to the two armor class friends, adjusting her glasses as she examines the suits from a small distance.
Theo gives a nod to Zoe, and sits down next to Andrew. Theo's wearing his Mark 46 armour, with the helmet collapsed, since he doesn't like to be seen with his cane. "What's on your mind, Andrew? You seem a bit down."
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(character deleted <3)
(thanks for all the fun we've had!)
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(character deleted <3)
(thanks for all the fun we've had!)
Nearl (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Still lively, this place. But I suppose that's good."
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

Theo Stark wrote:
Theo gives a nod to Zoe, and sits down next to Andrew. Theo's wearing his Mark 46 armour, with the helmet collapsed, since he doesn't like to be seen with his cane. "What's on your mind, Andrew? You seem a bit down."

He sighed "I miss my dad.......I just.....I just feel like there's no point in anything anymore"
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe walks over, tapping on Theos shoulders, a bit of an excited and manic glint in her eyes. Maybe it's best to hope that it's her glasses, because that means she either discovered something, or has an idea, and will be working and possibly pestering none stop to finish said idea.
"Hi, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can I ask a favor."
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He lifted his head and turned to Zoe and said "we're talking" flatly before turning hid attention back to Theo "it's like, I don't know what to make of anything anymore"
"I'll be with you in a moment, ma'am." Theo said to Zoe. He then turned back to Andrew. "Look, I'm always here for you, buddy."
Yuu (played anonymously)

Yuu was sleeping in one of the booths, textbook in-hand and Grim on his lap, also sleeping.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Theo......I let you die. It was all my fault...." Andrew broke. "I know Dr. Strange went and got you, but I still wasn't in time to come for you"
"Yeah." Theo seemed a little sheepish. "Sorry about that."
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He sighed and put his head back down.
"Anyway, I'm back now, so everything's alright. How about some soda?" He offers Andrew a can of ginger ale.

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