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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Rook Hunt (played anonymously)

Rook is hiding behind a few unused tables, watching the customers silently as if he is hunting.
“…You can’t hide for long…I can smell you over there.”
Zoe Wynter wrote:
Zoe walks over, tapping on Theos shoulders, a bit of an excited and manic glint in her eyes. Maybe it's best to hope that it's her glasses, because that means she either discovered something, or has an idea, and will be working and possibly pestering none stop to finish said idea.
"Hi, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can I ask a favor."

"Sorry about that. I was just catching up with a friend. What can I do for you, miss?"
He vanished into the dish room to wash the dishes while he had no orders in. He was grinning as he worked.
Rook Hunt (played anonymously)

Projekt Red wrote:
“…You can’t hide for long…I can smell you over there.”

Rook popped out from behind the tables with a cheerful look on his face.
"Ah! You've found me, Madame Louve!" He gasped and flamboyantly threw his hands up.

"You have a très bien sense of smell, oui!" Rook noted.
“Nobody can hide from me…”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Projekt Red wrote:
“Nobody can hide from me…”

Azumi shapeshifts into an inconspicuous stool in an attempt to prove Projekt Red wrong. It seems she wants to prove that kitsune are excellent at hiding and trickery.
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe proceeds to place a weird gadget on the azumi-stool. Whether it's because she's trying to help the illusion, or just doesn't know, she doesn't show.
“I still know where you are, fox…I can still smell you.”
Zoe Wynter (played by SoulHeart57)

Zoe turns to Projekt Red. " How in the flippity flying [REDACTED] do you smell a stool?! Stop hacking, that's my job "
He began making hollandaise in the kitchen
Zoe Wynter wrote:
Zoe turns to Projekt Red. " How in the flippity flying [REDACTED] do you smell a stool?! Stop hacking, that's my job "

“I’m a hunter…Name, bounty, kill. That is what was Kal’tsit and I agreed on.”
Rook Hunt (played anonymously)

"Oh? Madame Louve? You are a hunter too?" He raised his brows, "A conversation between hunter-to-hunter, oh truly merveilleux~!" Rook dramatically said, wide smile on his face.
Smells of certain aromatics start to fill the bar as the chef continued cooking in the back. Right now, he had cut up his mirepoix and started a sauce to braise a goat shank in.
Jade (played anonymously)

Jade had walked in and caught a whiff of the air, smelling what the chef was cooking.
He quietly, almost sneakily, walked to the door to the kitchen, not entering it, but merely just standing in the doorway.

"You seem to know what you're doing. A very good chef, I see." He spoke in his thick-accented, deep voice.
His clairvoyance knew Jade was coming. "Come in. I'm over near the ovens. Left side."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Projekt Red wrote:
“I still know where you are, fox…I can still smell you.”

"Wait, what?!", Azumi cried out as a stool, "Oh man...."

She shapeshifted back into her true form and sat down by one of the booths, pouting in disappointment with one of Zoe's Gadgets still on her head.
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

"It's okay fluffy gremlin!", Tachanka whispered to Azumi, "Want chili?"

Azumi gave in and ate the entire pepper. She need some milk
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

Pyro sits on the ground, clicking a lighter.
Rook Hunt wrote:
"Oh? Madame Louve? You are a hunter too?" He raised his brows, "A conversation between hunter-to-hunter, oh truly merveilleux~!" Rook dramatically said, wide smile on his face.

“I’ve been doing what I do for as long as I remember……as for you fox, you cannot hide, regardless if you change your form or use your “mythical” trickster abilities.”

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