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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Nolegs would then push in 5 boxes of Pizza, despite having to be a ball to move the pizza boxes in. Doing this over and over seems painful, but Nolegs didn't seem to care though. "Ayo, the pizza here."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi ate the pizza happily.

"Thank you, dear kitty!", She said happily towards Nolegs
Tachanka (played by Revereen)

Tachanka took a slice and proceeded to blast several LMG rounds on it before giving it to Azumi.

"Thanks..?", She said
"Yeah, no problem. You wouldn't have guessed how many times i rolled into a ball to drag all these pizzas in... like, literally."

He pursed his lips, seemingly insulted that Nolegs brought in pizza from the outside, so he went and vanished back into the kitchen to hide.
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

Miryu enters the bar, mostly confused her expression was that of someone who didnt know why they entered a room

She stepped out once or twice to check if she was still in her estate.. this didnt frustate her but she didnt smell any demons
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

"oh... A newcomer. Just great, like we need more"
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

Tsukasa proceeded to enter the bar, his amber eyes dimming in the candlelight as he did so. As he took in the depth of the bar, he’d smiled wide to notice other people, he’d floated on over to tori and proceeded to say in a happy-go-lucky tone “Hello!” his wide smile showed his teeth, especially his two fang-like teeth
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"You probably dont, but whos stopping me?" She chuckled "Pretty lady.." she chuckled "I take it that your taken?" She said in a joking manner
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

Tsukasa looked at miryu, a confused look struck his face, before it contorted into an excited smile as he floated over to Miryu to ask in his usual merry tone “Wanna be friends??” Tsukasa’s smile widened expectedly as he waited for Miryu’s answer
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

She couches down to the child and smiles "Sure kid!" She laughs
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

“Yay!” tsukasa began rummaging through his pocket, as he proceeded to tell Miryu his name “I’m Tsukasa, my friends call me Tsukasa-Kun!” Tsukasa finally pulled out a pack of fireworks and showed them to Miryu “I’ve always wanted to do this with a friend!”
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

She smiled "Oh-" she takes the fireworks "Come on were setting these off right now!"
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Miryu Ikazuchi wrote:
"You probably dont, but whos stopping me?" She chuckled "Pretty lady.." she chuckled "I take it that your taken?" She said in a joking manner

"Yes, actually, I am."
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"Shame!" She laughed "Wanna blow up something with me and this random kid tho?"
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

“I’m gonna make something eat one that’s lit” Tsukasa said in an almost manic manner, as he ran outside holding a box of matches and a handful of fireworks
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"Hold on, I know just who to get!" She disappears and is back in the blink of an eye.. rather a few moments between trips, as she returns with a low level demon.. which is grasped by the neck "I got someone!"
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

Tsukasa floated over to Miryu and investigated the demon, his eyes narrowing as if he was an investor looking at a painting before grabbing the demon by the face and saying in a dark yet happy tone “I wonder if fireworks still crackle if they’re in your tummy”
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

They werent mindless.. unlike most low level demons but it was guarantee she was much stronger than them.. "Probably not, but we can test it!"
Yugi Tsukasa (played by SporkEater)

Tsukasa gave a creepy, twisted grin as he lit one of the fireworks and forced the demon to eat it, he smiled as the demon panicked, he smiled through the twisted task he’d done, his expression growing more wicked as he noticed animals outside of the bar, and decided to try it on them too, he’d floated out of the bar holding more lit fireworks

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