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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Nolegs would then roll inside the bar... and then he crashed into a counter. "Ow!-"
Fumizuki looks over at Nolegs. "You okay, kitty?"
"Yeah, i'm alright. Sometimes i lose control of my rolling. Hey, kinda reminds me of-"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Sakura the Hybrid wrote:
*goes over to the fox and steals the queen from each side before running off*

Azumi unknowingly plays chess with her magic clone once more without realising there weren't any queens on the board

"Where's the queens?", She asked her clone who shrugged.

Azumi instead approaches Nolegs while her clone is off finding the pieces.

"Hello again, dear!", She said happily to Nolegs
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Sakura the Hybrid wrote:
*goes over to the fox and steals the queen from each side before running off*

Azumi unknowingly plays chess with her magic clone once more without realising there weren't any queens on the board

"Where's the queens?", She asked her clone who shrugged.

Azumi instead approaches Nolegs while her clone is off finding the pieces.

"Hello again, dear!", She said happily to Nolegs

"Hi, Azumi." Nolegs said, after rolling into a counter.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Cue Fake Peppino just holding a no-horny bat. "I feel like something's not right-"
Inspektor Bonk (played by Revereen)

Nolegs would soon find that Inspektor Bonk is standing beside him, in all his... bostonian glory.

"Bonk!", Was all he could say before Gmod ragdolling off to Azumi and putting a baseball on top of her head.
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

*puts the queens in my bra, so they stuck out just enough to be seen, but not enough for it to be obvious as I sit down*
Ms. Charlie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Ms. Charlie then walked in, straightening her glasses and holding a piece of paper and a pencil. "Greetings everyone. Has anyone seen Pyro somewhere?"
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

She looks at Ms. Charlie "With a name like that I assume they smell good and like ash?" She asked.. "Also dressed in red?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Sakura the Hybrid wrote:
*puts the queens in my bra, so they stuck out just enough to be seen, but not enough for it to be obvious as I sit down*

Azumi's clone approached Sakura. Apparently the magicked clone had not been unsummoned by Azumi.

"Hello, ma'am", it said and bowed, "I am finding one of the queens on a chessboard. Have you found any?"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

*stares at the clone, crossing my arms under my breasts for a moment, the queens clearly visible* can't say I have
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

The Azumi clone was perplexed at the fact that the queens were in a certain location of her body.

"What's that?", she points to the queens

"Have you found them, clone?", the real Azumi calls out in the distance

"I think so..."
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

*giggles a bit and smirks* I can't tell what you mean
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby would then fly over to Sakura, pulling the queen chess pieces out and then they banded them to Azumi and her clone. "Poyo poyo!" ("Here ya go!")
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

You know, it's quite rude to ruin a demons fun like that, plus I was waiting for them to ask nicely
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Oh thank you, friend!", Azumi said to Korby

"Now can we play again?", Her clone asked

"Nah!", She said before unsummoning her clone once more. The last thing her clone did before poofing out of existence was sticking its tongue out.
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

*walks over to miyuri and whispers something in her ear*
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino doesn't seem to be comfortable around Sakura. He's still brandishing his no-horny bat.
Nearl (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Hmm." She didn't say anything, just made a sound.

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