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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"Does it taste good?" She would ask "I guess I could stop for a meal.. give those kids some time to improve.. they're strong.. quite strong!"
"Actually, yes. It is very good. It has the light Earthy taste from the mushrooms, the creaminess, and the bold and umami-type flavors from the cheese blend"
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm.. ok" she shrugged "They're some strong kids.. its only lower six" she chuckled "What do you think Mathius, dude, some kid prodigys against a demon.. that blood demon art.. its odd to say the least.."
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Miryu Ikazuchi wrote:
"Hm.. ok" she shrugged "They're some strong kids.. its only lower six" she chuckled "What do you think Mathius, dude, some kid prodigys against a demon.. that blood demon art.. its odd to say the least.."

"Well, I can always peek in and see how they're doing."
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"I dont care unless someone's dead.. or about to be-"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

"Well... That's .....' She stops, looking somewhat shocked. Considering her past job though, it's not surprising.
"Killing is normal, especially where I'm from. Even then, it doesn't phase me. Never has!"
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"I fight flesh eating monsters for a living!" She laughs...

"Oh god why did I leave them, am I just being greedy?"
"I fight to pwotect my fwends."
"I fight to protect multiple universes.....but right now, I'm enjoying my job as a cook"
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"I fight to protect humanity from a coward who wont show his face" she chuckled "Your an interesting one Mathius, and.. small child has a point with fighting for her friends-"
He disappeared into the kitchen. He would then come out with a rib roast with beer sauce, scalloped potatoes, and a spinach salad for Miryu, and extra cheese empanadas for Fumizuki. He patted Fumizuki on the head.
Fumizuki smiles happily at the headpats and food
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"I'd like some headpats!", Azumi told Mathius ecstatically, "My summoner usually does not headpat me because of how busy he is!"
He went to Azumi and gave her headpats as well chuckling to himself.
Wataru (played anonymously)

Pushing last the initial doors, the man was surprised by the sheer granduer of the place before him. Doors for days...and liquids upon the wooden bar top that held colorful solutions! Spotting a bottle of blue liquid that matched his own sky-ish hair made him giggle, running a gloved hand through his own blue locs. To, perhaps announce his presence, Wataru let out an amused whistle before making his way up to the bar counter. It appeared no one was there? Pity.

He did notice a delicious smell, however, coming from a plate not too far from him. Meat of some kind? As if on cue his stomach growled and he made his way right towards the source. "That. Smells. GREAT!" He said joyfully, a childish smile painting his face. "Can I have something good to eat too?"
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

Miryu is.. Miryu, "Ok!" She said "Im heading back for a moment.." she muttered as she returned to her universe, returning rather quickly in a bit if blood that was indeed her own "Ive been thrown into multiple houses.." she muttered "Ok, Im back..-" she when and devoured the food Mathius had cooked.. "umai" she muttered
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

A portal was torn in space time, Aba walked through it laughing insanely "wooo!" She said before a beam attack pushed her completely into the bar "YOOOWW!" She lept as she shook off the soot "What was that for!" She turned and closed the portal "People these days dont know how to treat a lady!" She said, before taking in the bar "This is why I dont normally universe hop-" she muttered
Wataru (played anonymously)

Longingly the man watched as the food, and its owner, walked away and into some door...? One could only guess where it goes. Before Wataru could question it further a bright light and loud voice filled the room. Curious eyes peered towards the source, finding a woman standing by the bar where he had just been.

Curious...maybe dangerous?

Maybe they know what this place is and where he can get food! Hand on his empty stomach, the man walked over to Aba. "What an entrance! Next time I'd like to enter like that." He joked, tilting his head. "Do you by here? Or do you think that portal of yours can bring me some food?"
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm... lets see!" She stuck her hand in a new portal.. taking a hamburger from a calm Manico.. she didnt mind too much but seemed annoyed with the Majin's antics "Will this do?" She'd ask "I could just turn everyone into candy.. but thats boring.. and Im not really hungry myself.."

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