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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Aba (played by Reithesniper)

"Maid outfit?.." she was disappointed "Really thought it would be something else-"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan: "I mean, Keye did put SECRET into a lingerine-"
SECRET: "As much i hate to talk about it, yes. It's true."
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

"I-" she face plants.. actually its more like she put her hand through her face, anyways "That image is endlessly traumatizing never say that again or Ill turn you into chocolate-"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan: "Noted.. Sorry for bringing that up though."
Lockelan said, trying to shrug off the moment. while Keye and SECRET is just groaning in embarrassment.
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

Dont mind Aba, she literally just explodes before reforming on her cloud again, thats how bored she is at this rate-"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET: "Can we just get this game of UNO started already? The waiting is killing me."
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

"In my case its literal-" she said as the top of her head reformed "Weve been waiting for you.."
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan: "Yeah man. You been in the bathroom for 55 minutes. Besides, Keye fell asleep 35 minutes ago while we was waiting."
Keye: "Zzz..."
SECRET: "Guess he's sleep agai-"
Keye: "Not really. Anyway, who's gonna be going first?"
SECRET: "Obviously me because i'm evil (and cool and totally not short-tempered.)"
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

"Im definitely more evil than you-" she said "But she we can play it this way"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Cue SECRET doing a cheap start, by placing a +2 card, forcing Keye to draw 2 cards.
Keye: "Well, screw you too, SECRET."
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

She put down a skip, although wish you gave me a color
He was in the kitchen as usual practicing making stir fry as he was taught by Drael's brother-in-law. He was slowly mixing in the teriyaki sauce little by little in order to glaze the chicken he was making in the wok.

Afterwards, he would plate up the rice and steamed snap peas, baby corn, green beans, carrots, and cabbage followed by the chicken.

He would emerge from the kitchen and start giving out the food making sure to tell each person individually "free of charge".

All the ingredients, besides the rice, had been in the freezer and needed to be cooked and served in order to avoid waste, and he would rather give the food away rather than throw food away that hadn't even been close to spoiling.
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

After receiving her plate she just.. ate the whole thing plate included
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was given a plate of food by Mathius. She went "mlem mlem nom", as one could best describe the way she eats.

Azumi then approached Mathius and said, "Have you ever considered growing crops inside the bar for convenience? Sure growlights might increase the electrical bill due to being indoors, but I can assist with growing these crops with my magic if you wish!"
"Fox lady is right. You could have a hydwoponic thingy. Did I say it correctly?"
"Hydroponic. Yes, you said it correctly, but I prefer flowers in the tavern. Maybe a greenhouse out back."

He looked at Fumizuki "your papa, who is my brother, can help me build it" he said with a smile.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Keiko enters the bar with a relieved sigh. She looks around, seeing familiar and new faces. Walking towards the bar counter, Keiko leans towards it. "Do you serve cola here?", she asks.
"Of course!" He grabbed a mug and filled it with ice and then draught cola and placed the mug on a coaster in front of Keiko.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

"Thanks, man", Keiko said as she laid down some money on the counter. Picking up the mug, she took a long drink of it. Keiko started to look around the bar again.
Mathius would stand back after putting the money in a cash box

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