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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

She taps the counter "Excuse me sir, do you sell ramen here, I may just be going blind but I didnt see a menu heading in here"
"Would you like fish, beef, or chicken ramen? All my broth is homemade" he said with a smile
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"Anything is fine, along as its good!" She smiles at Mathius
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is drinking root beer. It seems she prefers non alcoholic drinks. If anyone would ask why, she would respond with, "Inspektor Bonk gave me this Bonk Atomic Punch flavored Root Beer!"
Inspektor Bonk (played by Revereen)

Inspektor Bonk proudly pets Azumi.

"Bonk!", Was all he could say.
He would return to his kitchen and begin making the ramen for the shinobi.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He would return to his kitchen and begin making the ramen for the shinobi.

Azumi smelled the scent of Ramen and called out to Mathius in an exciting manner, "Do you serve Inarizushi here?"
Vestia Zeta (played anonymously)

"Uhm, can I have some ramen too?" Zeta added to Azumi whom just called the chef from the kitchen.
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

Hatsu is just.. out, seems like she was on a mission beforehand.. but its hard to tell
He came out with the inarizushi for Azumi as well as beef ramen for Hatsu and Vestia "two ramen and one
inarizushi at the pass..."
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

Annd with the smell of ramen in the air she woke straight up! "OH, that smells great!" She said "Thanks sir, how much would this cost"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Mlem mlem nom!", I how Azumi ate
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Looks over at the other kitsune and waves gently
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

She looks over " there are two-" she mutters, she seemed confused but did care enough to ask-
"Three dollars." He said to Hatsu smiling.
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Mlem mlem nom!", I how Azumi ate

"Make sure to taste the food" he said chuckling
Vestia Zeta (played anonymously)

"Thank you so much... Uhm... Chef?" Zeta scratched her head since she didn't catch any information about the chef's name before proceed to slurp on her ramen.
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

She hands over 3 dlars.. well three dollars in equivalent in Ryo
He put the money into his cash box and stood back.
Fumizuki stretches out on a sofa.

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