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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

Pats fumizuki "adorable"
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"Absolutely not!" She dropkicks the kitsune "PUT A SHIRT ON!" She grumbles "And I dont mean just a bra.." she said turning to fumizuki "You are cute but, Im not letting that...whatever that is touch you without proper clothing-"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"Rude, also its not a bra, it's a bikini, plus I'm not a kitsune I'm a hybrid you rude little ninja b... jerk"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Now now, we mustn't fight! Can't we settle this over a nice cup of tea?", Azumi smiled and offered Sakura and Hatsu some tea
Vestia Zeta (played anonymously)

"Uh-oh, calm down, guys." Zeta went panic when people argued around her.
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

Goes back to petting fumzuki
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Now now, we mustn't fight! Can't we settle this over a nice cup of tea?", Azumi smiled and offered Sakura and Hatsu some tea
"I say we blame the ninja, sakura was trying to be friendly and then hatsu attacked her"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Oh well, I guess the ninja lady was at fault. I shall call my friend Tachanka just in case anything goes wrong... Or even the Cloaker!"
Cloaker (played by Revereen)

"Say no more!", A discount Sam Fisher said and rapidly approached Azumi, petting her tails harshly

"Long... time no see- Ow!", Azumi yelped as the Cloaker pet her tails.
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"Uh-huh..-" she mutters "Its not like I hit her hard.." she said "Gosh Im never gonna get used to actual animal people-"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"You jumped and kicked me, not that hard my left butt cheek"
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"I weigh only around a 100 lb, itll hurt but like your a giant compared to me"
"She has radomes like Miss Atago."
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

I'm not a giant, I am muscular, but silvera is the giant you are thinking of
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"Mmhm whatever Im out of here, if you still want to like fight we can do it outside, my jutsu's burn stuff-"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

Picks up the fumizuki "Do you like cuddles?"
Cloaker (played by Revereen)

"I got dropkicks coming if anyone wanrs some!", The Cloaker proudly announced
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"Hun... hate to tell you, I'm part hellhound, burning does not affect me... like at all"
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

"This bar is made of wood-"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"What does that have to do with anything, you just said we would take it outside, so now you are just threatening the bar"

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