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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Sandwhich and fries" he spokecto her
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

She claps "Yes yes that sounds great, how much would it cost in advance?-"
"Don't worry about it"
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

two thumbs up "aight"
He smiled. He then started dropping her fries in the grease
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

hatsu does hatsu things-
The chef left the kitchen and brought Hatsu her sub and fries along with a glass of water as well as a soda
Fumizuki is drawing on a piece of paper with some crayons. Anyone who looked closely would notice that she appeared to be drawing a picture of her and Drael.
He came out with a bowl of ice cream for Fumizuki. He saw the picture and he smiled "whatcha drawing, Fumizuki?" He saw what she was drawing and smiled more "you and your papa"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He smiled and used his scooper to give Azumi seven scoops of the cookie dough he made onto a plate and gave it to her. He made sure to give her the ones without the chocolate chunks in.

For 30 minutes straight, Azumi had cookie dough stuck on her snoot. She had spent these 30 minutes trying to lick it in a futile effort to remove it to no avail....

"Oh dear... I am in a bit of a pickle...", She lamented
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

Hatsu honestly tore through her meal, "Thank you chef, sure Ill go with you to this fates circle, it sounds interesting.."
"You'll be able to train as hard as you want"
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He smiled and used his scooper to give Azumi seven scoops of the cookie dough he made onto a plate and gave it to her. He made sure to give her the ones without the chocolate chunks in.

For 30 minutes straight, Azumi had cookie dough stuck on her snoot. She had spent these 30 minutes trying to lick it in a futile effort to remove it to no avail....

"Oh dear... I am in a bit of a pickle...", She lamented

He cleaned Azumi's snoot off
Hatsu fushichou (played anonymously)

She smiled "That sounds like it!" She said, seeming obviously excited, cant help it, she loves getting stronger-
He smiled at her
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He came out with a bowl of ice cream for Fumizuki. He saw the picture and he smiled "whatcha drawing, Fumizuki?" He saw what she was drawing and smiled more "you and your papa"

"Yup." Fumizuki smiled as she accepted the bowl of ice cream.
He ruffled her hair and went back into the kitchen.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi brought an orchid into the bar and placed it on the counter.

"This Phalaenopsis Orchid has such a fruity fragrance", She commented, "It's perfect for this bar!"

The flowers on the plant were splotches of red and orange stippled all over its petals. The pot had a nametag that said, "Fungus the Orchid"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Meanwhile Ren stumbled all the way to Trixie's bar because Azumi took his orchid(Which he neglected, causing Azumi to move it to a better home)
He looked at the flower "wow!"

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