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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

Nuzzles namarii, enjoying the embrace quite a bit as my tail sways behind me
Namarii (played anonymously)

Purrs, reciprocating the gentle embrace. Her doubts from earlier wash away, and her form relaxes. "Thank you."
Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

Gently licks the cheek of Namarii
Shifting Faces (played by Reithesniper)

"cat lady.."
Namarii (played anonymously)

Perks her ears up an looks around, sworn she heard something. Then she sits back in her chair and looks around the bar, "I'm very much new around here. I'm here with my pony, Marzipan who pulls my vardo, or wagon if you will, which is also my home, actually. I make Star maps from the places I visit and usually set up my pergola tent when I plan to stay awhile. What can you tell me about this place?"
Shifting Faces (played by Reithesniper)

Well a cloud of darkness first condescenced before transforming into Namaril "This is a bar that exsist above space and time, sometimes of an alternative dimension" said something of a clone "Like you and the small one with you, are likely not of the same universe, however Drael and Mathius are" the clone would bow "I hope that helped a bit.. they serve food and drinks aswell.." the figure again dispersed into a cloud of darkness
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"There are a lot of people who come here to eat and drink. A lot of families come here, a lot of friends, a lot of newbies. It just depends"
Shifting Faces (played by Reithesniper)

"Depends in the day, but seems like a slow day this time.."
He was making muffins in the kitchen.
He entered the bar holding his son's hand. He took a seat in a booth across from the six-year-old and picked up the menu and started looking.
Natalie Paquette (played anonymously)

Dont mind Wattson, she would wander in and would go to a small table
His son looked over at Natalie and gasped "dad, look! It's Pikachu!"

The doctor chuckled "and so it is"
Natalie Paquette (played anonymously)

She would giggle "Ah yeah, want me to go get you a hood too?" She would ask the child
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is watering a random Orchid she brought into the bar once before. She spots Todd with his child and smiles.

"Reminds me of Ren when he was little", She noted, "How I miss his younger days..."
Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

*stares at the flower before stealing a petal off of it and running off*
Luke looked up to his father and the doctor nodded "It's all right with me"
Natalie Paquette (played anonymously)

Shd would run off "Dont go anywhere Ill be back in only a minute little man!" She ran off, and came back a few moments later, with two more pikachu cats
The six-year-old took the Pikachu ears beaming with a smile. "thank you!"
Natalie Paquette (played anonymously)

She smiled "No problemo!" She exclaimed

(And then theres me not wanting to give super long responses because Im scared l misrepresent her character-)
Namarii (played anonymously)

Nods to the peculiarity of her own form speaking to herself. Her icy eyes flash with interest and curiosity as she witness a new phenomenon. The information her lookalike tells to her was very informative and that there are some like herself around instantly makes her react with her tail bouncing upward, a mannerism to when she was happy.

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