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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He gave a slight smile before going into the kitchen and sitting on the floor with his back against the freezer. He looked up and let out a sigh. It was likely his lover was gone again.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Namarii wrote:
Beams with delight to the coffee being brought out and tucks the book under her arm and then gets to work, pouring it into a paper cup with a heat barrier. Then adds some fresh cream, and a little bit of honey and a splash of vanilla. She swirls the mixture, then discards the waste. She then picks the blended coffee up, inhaling its aroma before taking a sip. She purrs with delight at the first taste of bliss. "Delicious. Thank you for the brew." Softly smiling and walks away to sit down at a table to continue reading her book.

Azumi approaches Namarii and grins excitedly.

"Look Renny!", Azumi exclaimed, "A Nekomata- er... Bakeneko? Which one was it again?"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"That's not-", Ren paused but instead facepalmed, knowing of her habit to call almost every nonhuman being she sees a yokai.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"I would just like to clarify for your mother that I am a Na'vi."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

*sits next to the fellow kitsune*
He went out front and sat at a booth and put his head down quietly. He was deeply considering quitting and remaining at the Fate's Circle temple and hiding in his library until the end of time. He missed his lover.
Fumizuki approached Mathius. "Evweething okay?"
He forced a smile at his niece "hi Fumizuki. I'm okay" he continued to force his smile "you want a treat, sweet face?"
"Yes pwease." Fumizuki smiled back.
He stood up and went to the dessert cooler and got two slices of chocolate creme pie and sat with her to eat. "Your papa should be here soon"
"Okie." Fumizuki smiled as she tucked into the pie.
He started eating the slice of pie with her.
Namarii (played anonymously)

Perks up from her book at the mention of terms she's been referred to as, and a small laugh to the banter. "I guess I could be referred to as a Bakeneko, I do only have one tail. I've also been called werecat, far from those horror stories I've heard about though. Some have even used Ailuranthropy, but why complicate matters? Catfolk is simple enough. Or just call me Namarii." She smiles, "I'm from the Star Range Mountains, Serre de Estrella, which is a beautiful place. It's also why I have white fur." Trailing off as she becomes distracted by the smell of baked goods.
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“You remind me of a particular race of people from where I hail….I just do not interact with them as much as you might think.”
Namarii (played anonymously)

Inclines her head as she listens, followed by a twitch of her ear "How interesting. I get a thrill when others know of us. I don't feel so out of place then." She looks down at her book in thought, "I've not had all pleasant interactions, even been called an abomination a few times, but I don't blame them for thinking or feeling that way."
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Abomination? I’m fairly certain that’s what they call the Infected, too. But I wouldn’t know.”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Namarii wrote:
Inclines her head as she listens, followed by a twitch of her ear "How interesting. I get a thrill when others know of us. I don't feel so out of place then." She looks down at her book in thought, "I've not had all pleasant interactions, even been called an abomination a few times, but I don't blame them for thinking or feeling that way."

"Oh...", Azumi frowned at what Namarii said, "I've been called a 'demon fox' many times before despite serving a benevolent deity of agriculture..."
Namarii (played anonymously)

"Do they now? There are so many terms of the human language with ambiguous meanings. I'm far from the Infected, at least what my last medical records reflect." She laughs some, "I don't dwell on name calls, or places that I fear may harm me. On to the next one that accepts me as I am." She takes a sip of her coffee and takes a bite of a warm, buttery croissant.
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

About to do mischief
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Namarii wrote:
"Do they now? There are so many terms of the human language with ambiguous meanings. I'm far from the Infected, at least what my last medical records reflect." She laughs some, "I don't dwell on name calls, or places that I fear may harm me. On to the next one that accepts me as I am." She takes a sip of her coffee and takes a bite of a warm, buttery croissant.

"You and I have a similar thought process regarding 'name-calling'", Ren smiled, "Name's Ren. The fox spirit is my shikigami... and also my mother"

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