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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Namarii (played anonymously)

There was a flash to her icy eyes as she commits the name to memory, "Ren," she repeats with a nod, then reflecting curiosity at the mention of his Fox Spirit, "How does that relationship work? If you don't mind me asking. That's beautiful that it's also your mother."
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Oh, I guess it's kinda complicated to explain now that I think of it", Ren sighed pulling back his hood, "Long story short, Azumi's taken care of me ever since I was little and she always told me that I was not her 'master', regardless if I was her summoner or not. So, she acted as my adoptive mother my entire life. I guess kitsune, even ones that become familiars, do value freedom so it kinda made sense for her not to be interested in servitude"

Ren pauses briefly smiling at Azumi who smiled back.

"Not that I'd want her to serve me anyway. Not only would that be weird, I'm fine with not being a master. Seems like too much of a responsibility...."
Namarii (played anonymously)

Listens intently and then dips her head, "That's a great connection you have. I've met some kitsune, beautiful beings." She nods to Azumi. "Cats also like their freedom, so I understand that completely. Either end of master and servant sounds like a lot of ordeal, just taking care of my own self is enough to want to deal with." Laughing some.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Looks over at azumi and namarii, waving as the word kitsune was mentioned again
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Hey ren, how protective of your mother are you? Could i borrow her for a while?"
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Namarii wrote:
Listens intently and then dips her head, "That's a great connection you have. I've met some kitsune, beautiful beings." She nods to Azumi. "Cats also like their freedom, so I understand that completely. Either end of master and servant sounds like a lot of ordeal, just taking care of my own self is enough to want to deal with." Laughing some.

“I’m sure you haven’t met someone like me…I’m an Aegir-Sea—No, just Aegir. I’m an Aegir.”
Namarii (played anonymously)

Her ears twitch slightly and turns her head, "I can say for certain that I've not met.. an Aegir?" She tilts her head, curiousness reflects in her eyes. "What does being one entail?" She flicks her tail up, animate with interest with the twitch of her whiskers.
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“For one, you would come from the country of Aegir, which lies under the sea.”
Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

S-s-sounds like Atlantis
He was in the kitchen. It appears all the passion he had gone. He was just kinda there.
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Vivian wrote:
S-s-sounds like Atlantis

“I’ve never heard of this place.”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He was in the kitchen. It appears all the passion he had gone. He was just kinda there.

Azumi noticed Mathius not being as active in the kitchen anymore. She decided to approach him just to check on him.

"Mister?", The fox spirit called out to Mathius as she went into the kitchen, "Is something wrong? You haven't been yourself lately"
"Yeah. Something seems to be bowtherwing Uncle Mafius."
"I just feel....alone" he picked Fumizuki up and held her on his hip "I miss my lover....I've been wanting to introduce my son to his 'mother' or at least I suppose she would have taken the role, but she's gone again"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Well", Azumi paused for a moment and scratched her chin as she thought, "How about you use this time to prepare for that? Maybe my son and I could help as well!"

She then called for her son, "Ren! I need your help!"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren entered the kitchen reluctantly and said, "What is it?"

"My dear friend here wants to introduce his son to his mother! How would you do it?"

"I guess bring him over and give him a pep talk?"
"I just don't believe my lover is coming back this time"
Namarii (played anonymously)

Yawns and rubs the sleep from her eyes, taking a seat near the coffee bar to wait for a fresh pot. She has a buttery croissant with cinnamon sugar to pair with it. She purrs lightly, feeling elated, taking out a book and reads as she waits.
Cori (played anonymously)

Dont mind Cori, well... actually nah she just seems to be in "Sleep mode" Gif filled her face, as jazz music eminated from her body

Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

Taps on the TV screen and tilts my head, interested in how something like this can be alive

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