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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

Uses magic to regain the silver vine and runs at Namarii
Namarii (played anonymously)

Panic abates and she lets out a whoosh, "I'm alright if the fish is taken, but no silvervine." Yelps and leaps behind the bar. "Sorry." She says quickly.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Your a tricky one.." he said, swiping his hand in the air, creating a portal and dropping sakura outside "No dogs." he said
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"Now that is rude, if you remove one type of animal you gotta remove them all" portals back in 5 feet off the ground as my portals have a tendency to create fire, so this way the bar does not catch fire
Namarii (played anonymously)

Pants slightly at the sudden rush, "Revealing cat mannerisms tends to be dangerous. Unfortunately people like to.. do that to us." She flips up the bar latch and sits back down on the stool.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Silvera wrote:
"He started it, touching kitsunes tails without permission is asking for a fight"

"Thank you, Silvera. He was rather rude!", Azumi smiled at Silvera

She then turned to Zero, "Do you know it is rude to hit an old lady? I am 500 years old, I'll have you know!"

She then went on to her business... whatever it is that she does here

"Do you need magic lessons, dear?", She asked Wish suddenly
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm..." he said quietly "Ah I see, I shall handle this poleitly "

"Ah... interestingly enough, sure I'll take some" he said walking up to Sakura, and swiping his hand through her body, just suppressing her energy, basically just making her fall to her feet exhausted "Harass the customers and I'll suppress you into a coma" he said bowing and turning to Azumi "About those magic lessons"

(for a certain someone if they see this, please his body is made of magic its not wrong to assume he would be able to do something like this-)
(better, this is what I was going for, I either need to re-read what I type orrr not zone out-)
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"I could teach you basic alchemy, combat magic, convenience spells like floating objects towards you if you feel lazy!", Azumi smiled
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

"You do realize that is rude to do to a demon, especially one who is like me. It's in our nature to be mischievous, and there would be no actual harm in giving her the vine" she wipes herself off and had to head back to the demonic realm, or risk dying due to not having enough magic to retain herself on this plane
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Silvera's eyes widen as wish does this and she growls loudly at him "are you STUPID, demons require thier magic to survive"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Well... I can do teleportation pretty well.." he would look back at Sakura.. raising his hand "Are you about to harass a customer?"

"And lets just build off of my two skills, teleportation, and mana suppression" he said
"I said what I said... I wont kill her, not skilled enough to suppress it all anyways"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Sir suppressing even a little for her is a death sentence, she is a hybrid, meaning mana suppression stacks on her"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Okay, no fighting!", Azumi said politely to everyone

She then turned to Wish and dashed towards a nearby wall. It was more like Azumi had become a flash of light before moving from one place to another by appearing there

"This spell is called Blink. It needs a bit of adrenaline for it to work. Focus on things the make you feel intense and then the place you desire to arrive in!"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Adrenaline.. Im not sure I produce that.. and intense" he said looking at sakura, releasing his suppression quietly

"Intense.. I could" he said looking at his, hands "Cherrie.. maybe father" he said as he produces the spell, Blink... although he released too much magic, the ground around him seemed a bit burned.. he wasn't perfect, however it was more like just a scruff, he will solve it eventually
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Oh!", Azumi yelped as the floor had been burnt by wish, "I think that worked a little too well! You must have quite a large mana capacity to do that!"

Azumi then summoned a glowing, green stone. A magically adept person would sense it was made of pure crystallized magic. She used some sort of spell which made it stop glowing until it dissolved into dust.

"That's mana suppression", Azumi said, "It's best for when you need to control your own mana if it's unstable! Though I wouldn't dare do it to myself as I'm made of magic. That would just hurt me!"

She summoned another stone that glowed green.

"Now you try, dear!", She said to Wish
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Well.. considering I to am made of magic It cant be too hard.." he materilizes a.. quite heavy stone, so heavy honestly he couldn't hold it properly, and was forced to keep it afloat using spacial magic
He smiled with pride at his son. Then he would quickly shoot Silveria a death stare "you.....take it easy. My son knows what he's doing. It is in your best interest not to growl at him again"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

mmm after a few moments half of his head began to disappear, before he reabsorbed his magic "that was, close" he said quietly "Guess I took out too much huh?"
He placed a hand on Wish's shoulder "no more, okay? Let's go sit down"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is with the man who interrogated her, Zero. She asked Mathius to cook some fried tofu for both of them. It seemed Zero had realized there was a misunderstanding.

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