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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

Eerian appears from nowhere... and then a giant redwood tree is seen being thrown before she shuts the door "Mmm dad stop throwing those!" She was scolding her father who had walked in a few moments after she opened the door
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"I'm not certain why you all are throwing trees, but you all need to not do that too often"
"Trees are fwends, don't hurt trees."
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

"Were mages, we use magic and my old man here wanted to spar"
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby would then be rolling to Errian. About to poke her with a tree leaf for fun i guess... >.>
Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

Kimon would laugh "You can do the same thing honey, I dont see the problem here, besides your getting stronger if you fight me!"
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

She looked at Korby.. before causing him to float into the air on a tornado of leaves "My turn little man"
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby was almost confused but they decided to let her do the tornado of leaves. In the meantime, they just atart doing frontflips.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"OH, your using magic to lift trees, not bare hands?" Goes out and lifts the tree in one hand "it's lighter than I thought it would be"
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

"Well.. thats not entirely true.. I for example can pick up small towns when I do infuse some of my magic into my own strength, however throwing trees is all up to my own strength!" She would flex her arm, but she and her father are incredibly strong of course making them the strongest in the kingdom of Teras
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

...Korby then proceeds to write this information down on a small notepad.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Snaps the tree into pieces as though it was a toothpick, wacking them down until they would make good fire wood
He simply rolled his eyes at the braggadocia going on about physical strength as he sat still holding Fumizuki.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby then rolls to Drael, with a tomato with them. "Poyo!" ("Hi!")
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

"Mmm impressive but we can just, make wood do that-" she would shrug
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Making it do it with magic is not impressive, anyway, anyone wanna make smores? I recently got chocolate and marshmallows and I can make a bonfire out here"
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

"Eh.." she turned to her father and gut checks him through the door "Nah, were gonna keep having fun" she said exiting the bar
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I think I’ll just not imagine what that entails.”
Errian Lotus (played anonymously)

((Spoiler it entails them putting a giant hole in the throne room))
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

((What throne room))

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