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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fumizuki is curled up in a ball on the sofa, and is fast asleep.
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

*rummaged through the person's sleepings pockets, finding some chewing gum and runs off with a single piece*
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Cue Korby just randomly eating a stick... that is currently on fire. Scrumptious- maybe-
"That can't taste good, Korby..."
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Shoves the bubble gum in korbys mouth, running off
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

"Eh.." she stared at Korby in horror... before just figuring out hes a bottomless pit "Nah hes fine.."
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Turns on some music and giggles
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby thrn got up and went ourside to burp some fire for no reason... and then they came back. "Poyo." ("Scrumptious.")
He laughed and left the kitchen.
Namarii (played anonymously)

Strolls over to the sofa and fire, tucking into the corner of it and laying against the armrest as she looks into the fire.
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

Wish would spill his water.. it was enough for Octo to seep through, squeezing out.. like an Octo "Worry not human, Amir is here to offer fish! :D" she said smiling
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Squeaks loudly and pounces on the other merchant "no other merchants allowed, my area to sell supplies"
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

"Do you sell fish?" she said sinking into the watter allowing Squee to fly over her- "Hehe.. mouse"
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

"I sell all sorts of things out of my bag of holding, keeps things fresh forever
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

"I sell treasures of the sea" :D she said "Trade?" she would ask, sinking into the water, and then getting out again.. her tentacles would pull a large chest from the puddle "Heavy-" she muttered-
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Blinks and pouts, not able to carry anything that heavy
"I buy stuff from Akashi, actually."
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

"Inside, is gold n stuff, Octo has no need for such-" she said pulling out some
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Her eyes shimmer at the gold
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

She would close it "I actually... no Octo need this-" she said pushing the crate into the water "Amir shall bring whatever Amir deem enough.. offer small one!"

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus