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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He placed the plush seal in Fumizuki's arms before he began singing to her "Sleep my little princess, you are your father's delight"
Fumizuki smiles warmly as she falls asleep.
He sat as he held her to his chest.
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

The slime would float in using his little bee wings
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

Dips his feet into the puddle of water that octo exits from
Octo Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

"My door to this spot!" She whined taking his foot out the puddle "Shop shoo!"
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

Pouts"slimes like water"
Fumizuki has attached the plush seal she got earlier to her backpack.
Drael sat sipping water
He went into the kitchen to prepare Jamaican jerk chicken patties.
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

was sleeping in a big pot filled with water, in slime form
He looked at the pot of water and at the imaginary camera as if he were breaking the 4th wall.
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

Remains asleep, snoring gently
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He looked at the pot of water and at the imaginary camera as if he were breaking the 4th wall.

Fumizuki looks in the same direction. "Hmm?"
He left the slime bee alone to sleep and he came out and sat waiting for people to order food.
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

Wakes up a couple hours later
He had gone home.
Zero (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He had gone home.

If Mathius has already returned home. He would most likely find a note left by Zero if he returns to the bar

It reads:

"Hey pal,

Since Rainbow isn't busy having me and the other operators save the world, I figured it'd be nice to apply for a part time job as a security guard/mechanic. I already passed the interview.

P.S that fox spirit (Azumi, was it?) , yeah she had me practice by pretending to be an employer. She even shapeshifted into a human form to pretend. And I also installed a few ARGUS Cameras around the bar already, so no need for any CCTV's"
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

Wanders about the bar, finding plenty of secrets about it all
Fumizuki sits on the sofa, studying a document.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus