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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Steak and chicken tacos at the pass" he would walk the six tacos to the young men.
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Maria Frenzy wrote:
"Seems I only remember-" she said "Uhh nothing!" She said lowering her mask after devouring whats left of her hot dog "Is this the fourth wall Im breaking?-" she jokingly asked

"I see..."
Maria Frenzy (played anonymously)

Maria was quiet "Can I buy you a drinkk..?" She said.
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Mmm...I suppose that would be fine."
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

The lone survivor of REACH stepped into this bar completely silent as he looked around. his armor was banged up and there was a hole in the visor, but other then those he was alive
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then entered the bar... through an open window. "Who left the window open?"
Nimbus Bros. (played anonymously)

The boys got their tacos and started to eat up.
Namarii (played anonymously)

Wanders through the doors of the bar and strides up near the bar table, sitting down on a stool. She unwraps a star map while occasionally looking up at the menu to decide what she wanted to eat, her nose and whiskers twitch in thought.
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

he just sat down of course because this was well Noble Six. he was covered in blood of fallen enemies and some of his own blood, now dried, coated his armor as he looked around. there was so much that was....out of place for him. For one the girl Namarii looked like a humanoid cat and that made him begin to wonder if he was still on reach slowly going delirious from his wounds
Lucina (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“You should see a healer…You look quite messed up, there.”
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

"i'll live i've had worse happen to me mam"
Namarii (played anonymously)

Turns her head as she feels eyes on her when the scent of blood makes her icy eyes fly open with alarm. She had seen signs of war and battle in her travels, but the sight still unsettled her, while the blood made her fur ruffle. She shakes her head, and her fur falls back into place. She flicks her tail upward, as her eyes soften, to reflect her friendly demeanor.
Maria Frenzy (played anonymously)

Mudrock wrote:
"Mmm...I suppose that would be fine."

She would offer Murdock something to drink, some wine.. just some wine-
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

She accepts it, because, well, why not?
Maria Frenzy (played anonymously)

"So.. what is your world like..?" She would ask trying to make a bit of small talk-
Camry walks in feeling more comfortable than ever. This was his type of place. He looked around for a good place to sit and relax.
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

He just stood in a corner of the bar doing his best to stay away from the patrons of the bar since he was well covered in blood?
He noticed the bloodied felow in the corner and walked over. "Got yourself in a scrap, huh?" He asked while offering a cigar and beer.
Namarii (played anonymously)

Turns her gaze back to the bar menu. Placing a finger to her chin in thought. "I guess a lightly seasoned fish sounds good. I'm not picky on the type of fish." She smiles with a nod to her decision.
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

"it was a war. a war i believe my part in has ended"

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