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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“And there’s Texas, being sarcastic.”
"Do you really?"
"Think you could beat me?"
Phantom (played anonymously)

he felt the headache returning as he just sat down beside kal'tsit in a mood
Camry Maxwell wrote:
"Think you could beat me?"

“Do you honestly think it’s wise to fight former mafiosi?”
"Imma gunslinger, doll. Even more, an assassin. I can take you easy, cupcake"
Phantom (played anonymously)

"no you can't. the last person that said that is dead"
“Besides, the point is…I’m not trying to fight before I go to work.” Another cigarette puff.
Phantom (played anonymously)

send help im stuck at work
"Relax, I'm just fooling. I would probably lose to her and that blade."
Phantom (played anonymously)

"i don't recall my last assignment"
Phantom wrote:
"i don't recall my last assignment"

"You ok?"
Phantom (played anonymously)

"ill live."
"Uhh where did the staff go? I need my six-shooters!"
Namarii (played anonymously)

Smiles as she stands by the coffee bar to make her morning brew. She blends the coffee and cream, vanilla. Then adds a little bit of cinnamon. She brings the cup to her nose to breathe in the aroma. Purring as she takes a sip, rewarded by a delightful taste.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish arrives at the bar vibing out and waiting for his dad "Mmm.." he said, looking a bit tired, to be fair days were twice as long on that planet
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Silvera opens the box for camry so he can take his guns and leave if he wishes
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish had fallen asleep in a booth, he groaned as he let himself drift off to sleep-
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Hi wish, can you come here. I feel like I need to hug someone to recharge after last night"

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