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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

*takes guns and leaves*
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Feel free to come back any time, just drop your weapons off in the box next time please"
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

still had his weapons and was still in the bar but sitting off from everyone like he usually does since well... lone wolf duh?
Specter (played by AgitoAceXIII)

And Specter still had her saw, too.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby then went to Specter with a tomato. "Poyo?" ("Want one?")
Namarii (played anonymously)

Orders a baked fish fillet for lunch, and then sits down, opening a boon as she waits for her meal. Her tail hangs down from the chair, with a slight curl at the end.
Maria Frenzy (played anonymously)

"Are Scapel's weapons?" She would ask.. putting a bag in the box "Forgive me I didnt know there was a no weapons policy!"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"It's quite alright plague doctor, at least you are kind enough to follow it"
Phantom (played anonymously)

he had half a mind to call out his rifle and shoot something but refrained from doing so. he was a professional he wasn't going to lose his temper...again
Kal'tsit (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Phantom (played anonymously)

"what is it mam?"
Ilia (played by Churchtuary)

Usually a strange sight whenever she brings her lumbering - and surprisingly agile - form, a reptilian humanoid clad in bright red scales and some form of black kevlar suit shouldn't be all that unusual, given the company of oddballs currently inhabiting the bar located seemingly in the middle of nowhere. While there's some sort of restrained fury in her reptilian eyes, the beast behaves like she's only two thirds of her size and far weaker, her limbs all recoiled in on themselves as she tip toes into the establishment.

If only the patrons knew how anxious those furious eyes really were.

"Uh..." There it is, a draconian - a lassang - expression of apprehension, much like that of a human's. "Greetings...! Uh... Don't mind me, please...!" It's much worse than anticipated. She completely lacks any form of confidence a monster of her caliber would normally have. One can only wonder who had the brilliant idea of releasing such a naive beast out in the wild, amidst a bar full of brigands and psychopaths, just so she can 'socialize'.
Kal'tsit (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Phantom wrote:
"what is it mam?"

“It’s nothing. At least, nothing that you’d be remotely concerned about.”
The arrival of the draconic figure hadn't gone entirely unnoticed. Seated in the far back of the bar, her feet up on a gnarly wooden table, one of the so-called brigands watched as the red-scaled woman awkwardly waltzed her way into the limelight, a tiny smirk manifesting on her lips the closer the bumbling beastie got. Finally, some company worth starin' up to! Now Sprite was far more interested in bothering that bartender.

"Eyy, nice suit!" Out of the shadows wandered a scruffy-lookin' individual, armed with a zealous smile and tanned, battle-hardened muscle. Even in her more civil clothes, Sprite Cinders looked no less the rebel soldier she once had been. "Any chance y'might tell me where y'shopped it from if I buy ya a beer? All on me, no probs, can even sneak in a party nibble 'tere." There was a glimmer of mischief in that hazel gaze of hers, though none of the sort that would suggest she'd do anything to harm this prime lizardly guest. "Or.. well, whatever y'sorta people like t'snack an' drink on in places like these." Her eyes wandered as she spoke. There was a whole manner of other people around that could be who she was looking for. Randle had be none the wiser about what their Contact was supposed to look like.. but this woman looked unique enough to match the vague description she had!
Ilia (played by Churchtuary)

Who could possibly be complimenting armor whose sole purpose is to protect her (sturdy) scales and nothing else in the fashion department? That wasn't possible, the dragon's ears were definitely betraying her, those words weren't directed at her, nope, there were people with sicker looking clothes and armors in that place than she was in this glorified firefighting suit - that could somehow withstand explosive-tipped bullets. Unfortunately, the fact that speaker is right in front of Ilia ruins her optimism pretty quickly.

"Huuuh? Scuse meee? You talkin to me, ma'am??" It's terrible. The lady not only talks like some bandit but she looks like one. It almost makes Ilia reach for her wrist mounted smart computer and call for help right away. But she has to endure... She's socializing, dammit! She needs the experience! She needs to be able to at least somewhat blend in! "Ah, um, I think I'll pass the drinks, ma'am, um... I've got enough money on my own..."

The reptile just stares at that lady, blinking cluelessly, thinking her 'cover' is already blown and there's already another band of mercenaries coming to bag her. But there was something she mentioned that made her quite talkative; "Um, I didn't 'shop' my suit from anywhere, though... It was tailored just for me... I mean, when you live among humans, there ain't much that fit you, you know, ma'am? I mean, nothing against you humans, of course... You people could be just a little bigger, you know? I mean, nothing personal, of course... And I don't drink beer... Much... My mom told me to stay away from beer and the likes, you know..."
Was she being.. serious, now? Sprite fought her hardest to not immediately pop out into a flabbergasted grimace- instead, she swallowed her confusion and only raised her brows, an awkward grin flickering on her lips. Shit, she didn't mean to get her all nervous. What did a huge-ass armored dragonoid even have to be nervous about? Out of Therion form, Sprite'd be splattered against the wall with one whip of that tail!

"Nahh, nah, 'tis fine! Can buy ya.. an ice cream float, 'r some shit? Anythin'! Nothin' y'don wanna!" Great, so much for her chance to prove to Rando that she could do client work! Argh.. "An'.. yeah, yeah, I feel you. Never had that problem. Mean, when I got over t'e New Arcadia I hadda stitch patches over 'em tailholes in the pants I bought there but.. y'know, not the same." Crap, the reptile's nerves were making her nervous! Okay, had to be the bigger person here and show her she was not a threat, just an ally.. an awfully curious ally. A bit too abruptly, Sprite took a step back, and raised her gloved palms to show that she, despite the Bar's policies, still had no weapons on her. "I'm, uhh.. m'Sprite, by 'em way. Cool t'meet y'!"

Stay calm, don't lose that patience.. If this was her one opportunity to show them that she was good for more than just kicking ass, she had to show 'em now! Get the Contact comfy, draw out all the intel by a long skinny string, and leave feeling like the smartest sucko in the world!
Ilia (played by Churchtuary)

Before the other even replied, Ilia's started to echo with the captain's words. In fact, he shouted at said words so hard at her the man might as well be watching her. Heck, he might as well be there!

"DON'T accept treats from weirdos, ya HEAR ME?! They could be poisonin ya! It could have those damn nanomachines in it!! Heck, THEY MIGHT BE BRIBIN YA!! Ilia, dearie, my sweetest thing, if ya DARE to get bribed I'll SPLIT YA IN HALF ME DAMN SELF!!"

"Ice cream float?? Aah, it... Shouldn't hurt to get a little treat, right ma'am?? Um, I thiiink I'll accept some, if ya really dun mind..." And just like that, Sprite has just bought what's quite literally the most expensive asset she might ever laid her eyes upon in the past months or even years. The fact that the dragon-thing relaxes the hands hovering near her chest can be seen as an subtle sign she's putting her trust in the brigand almost immediately, not that it keeps those big furious eyes from ogling her up and down, of course. "I have no idea what you might be talkin about, ma'am. I have never been to either New or Old Arcadia and tailholes? Humans don't have tails, silly! Um, sorry, ma'am." She's so gullible it's almost like she's pretending to be clueless.

"And I'm Ilia, Miss Sprite! I'm not sure if I should be telling you this, but, um, since you're offering me some ice cream float... Come on, come on, I'm hungry, ma'am..." Maybe Sprite succeeded just a little bit too much.
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

he of course just sat in the background in his damaged armor. The SPARTAN III from the now hell hole that was the planet reach was never one for conversation, paired with his lack of friends and well latent PTSD and trauma. could you really blame the guy for wanting to sit outside the sphere of conversation?
Specter (played by AgitoAceXIII)

As for Specter, she was doing Specter things.
Phantom (played anonymously)

do not the insanity

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