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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“And I thought some of the folks in Rhodes were odd people.”
Lion El'Jonson wrote:
Suddenly, Lion El'Jonson violently crashes through the wall, having clearly been thrown by an unseen force. He gets up, brushes himself off, and then charges out through the hole and back into battle.

He slipped his armor on and grabbed his swords and dashed out to go help.
Mimi (played anonymously)

Mimi wanders into the bar doing her own thing for now, nothing really important-
Mimi (played anonymously)

Mimi kinda just looks around, casually, although planning to steal from someone-
Twins (played anonymously)

The twins look at mimi
Mimi (played anonymously)

Mimi then stopped.. sinking into her own shadow and appearing behind them "What are we looking at?"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino then seems to reform in the same corner he was in last time. "Hey, what's up guys?"
Twins (played anonymously)

They both turn to her and tilt thier heads a bit
Mimi (played anonymously)

Mimi would smile looking at the two "Couldnt help but notice you two staring at me.."
Twins (played anonymously)

A: "yes we were, you are a strange girl"
Mimi (played anonymously)

She kinda seemed (in all honesty-) a little hurt by that, as all Mimikyu do-

"Aw.. I thought I was cute.." she groaned
Twins (played anonymously)

Z: "you are cute"
A: "really adorable"
Mimi (played anonymously)

"Do you really thing that, I must really be a pikachu then" :D

yep.. thats the only thing she cares about, being as loved as pikachu-
Twins (played anonymously)

A: smirks "cuter than pikachu"
Mimi (played anonymously)

"Eh, no I just wanna be beloved like a pikachu-" she said

"Seems interesting for someone to trust me.. " she sneaks off into the shadows "Interesting women.. interesting.." she disappeared, probably going to try and nag the chef for some malasada
Anubis (played anonymously)

Anubis would very lightly pluck Mimi from Alexandria "Thats enough you-" she said speaking to Mimi
He came in and went to the kitchen.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea ordered roasted lamb cooked in sweet wine.
Mimi (played anonymously)

Mimi replaces herself with a substitute to go order

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