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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Zero (played by Revereen)

Zero just stood there, dumfounded by Azumi's stupid face.

"How did...", he trailed of, "You're a spirit, your kind's usually resistant to physical damage..."

He then facepalmed
He threw his hands up and went back into the kitchen.
Katraj (played anonymously)

*The naga slithered into the kitchen curiously follow the man just wanting to know what he was up to*
Vivian (played by Drake_Lie)

"He works here, you are not supposed to be in there"
Katraj (played anonymously)

* he hissed ignoring him and kept slithering further in smelling something with his tongue*
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Pulls the Naga out of the kitchen by the end of his tail, showing dominance as she knows snakes won't attack if you grab thier tail like this
Katraj (played anonymously)

* he hissed not being liked grabbed by his tail showing his threat posture as warning before he would actually lunged at her*
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She grabs him with an armored hand by the mouth "people that don't work here are not allowed in the kitchen, got it"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then be in the kitchen, looking for the pepperoni. "Hey, does anyone know where the pepperoni is?"
Katraj (played anonymously)

* he quickly flicked her hand away with his tail as he hissed more this time turning to his large black and gold snake form staring at her with annoyance in his eyes*
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino then opened the fridge. "Hmm..."
Katraj (played anonymously)

* the snake soon towered over the man looking at him flicking his tongue rapidly and tried to poke his mouth in the fridge not realizing how big he was at that moment since he just wanted to explore mostly*
Queen Obsidia (played by Drake_Lie)

"Hey, katraj, do you mind coming here"
Katraj (played anonymously)

* he soon transformed back to his normal naga form and slithered out of the kitchen and went to her* "did you need something from me?"
Queen Obsidia (played by Drake_Lie)

"I got you some nice snacks, but you can't go in the kitchen anymore"
Katraj (played anonymously)

" what is this some sort of deal I don't do deals...." *he had an annoyed looked on his face but in honest truth he was rather hungry and the snacks didn't sound that half bad too but he was stubborn to try corporate with her*
Queen Obsidia (played by Drake_Lie)

"I'll give you as many snacks as you wish if you just don't go in the kitchen"
Katraj (played anonymously)

* he soon slithered over to her fully and grabbed the snacks in his hands opening a bag of one of the snacks and eating the content inside of the bag*
Queen Obsidia (played by Drake_Lie)

She smiles a bit and sits there, watching
Katraj (played anonymously)

he continued to eat until he felt her eyes on him and continued to munch on the food before finishing the first bag of snacks off and throwing the empty shell away* "thank you but don't stare at others while their eating it's honestly weird well to me anyways....."

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