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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Namarii (played anonymously)

Blends together some chai tea, adding milk and maple syrup. She slowly brings the steaming tea to her lips, blowing to cool it. Then takes a slow sip. Purring in delight at the taste of cinnamon and maple.
He dipped back into the kitchen then came back out with a plate of mushroom, chicken, and spinach risotto for Silvia, Silveria's daughter "so your mom told you how good of a cook I am.."
Katraj (played anonymously)

*he huffed slithering back under the table but this time just watching the people not even feeling like he would be able to get any sleep so he rather just study the people around the room instead then have to be quiet*
Xendri (played anonymously)

Katraj wrote:
“It would be better if they took their talking down a bit I get it that this place is a bar but some people just like the quiet atmosphere around them at least respect others if all I have to say…” *he sighed holding back a small yawn*

Xendri looked over. "You don't know how to tune people out? I had to learn how to."
Katraj (played anonymously)

“My village back home is pretty small so not a lot happens and I travel sometimes so I don’t hear a lot of things like lots of people talking just not my thing I guess”
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Saiken casually slid across the floor
Xendri (played anonymously)

Katraj wrote:
“My village back home is pretty small so not a lot happens and I travel sometimes so I don’t hear a lot of things like lots of people talking just not my thing I guess”

"That's where adapting comes in. Especially when you're outside of what you're used to dealing with. I get easily irritated but I had to learn that I can't just fight everyone no matter how much I want to."
Katraj (played anonymously)

“I rather just be somewhere peaceful really but it seems sleep isn’t on my mind anymore since I’m awake now and I won’t be asleep til night it seems”
Namarii (played anonymously)

Sits down at the bar while sipping her tea, while reading a book of stars.
Katraj (played anonymously)

*he soon just laid there still once in a while blinking but not much and just stared off into space*
Xendri (played anonymously)

Xendri looked the naga up and down. "And what possibly would you find peaceful to do that you'll be interested in besides sleeping?" He asked and looked to the cat...woman? Sitting there reading and sipping her tea.
Katraj (played anonymously)

“At least let me have some quiet time to sun bathe or something is easy for me to do unlike other creatures they can’t sit still yet I can”
Namarii (played anonymously)

Her fur prickles and her ears twitch at the feel of eyes on her, looking away from her book and glances around the bar with her icy blue eyes. She tucks back a lock of indigo eyes as she meets the eyes of a ram, her eyes then show curiosity.
Xendri (played anonymously)

"Heh, well then, just be sure you move a little so you don't turn into a statue." The ram grinned. "And what might your name be, Naga?" He asked. He looked over to the feline as he looked into those alluring eyes. "And you, stargazer?" He asked. he only called her that because her eyes looked like two twinkling stars that was gazing at him. Nothing insulting, it's just the first thing that came to mind.
Katraj (played anonymously)

*he rolled his eyes* “my names Katraj, what could yours be huh…?” *he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to interact anymore and just sunbathe so he would have energy to keep moving through out the day*
Namarii (played anonymously)

She smiles in return, "It's Namarii. I am from the mountains, Serra da Estrela. Which translates to Mountain of the Stars." She dips her head with a nod and takes a sip of her tea.
Xendri (played anonymously)

He didn't mind the eyes rolling, it slightly amused him but he noticed the smile from the one that calls herself, Namarii. He looked at the two of them. Eyeing Katraj up and down once again and smirked. "Xendri." He introduced to them both. "The cursed warrior ram. And to you...Namarii, I do love a good mountain."
Katraj (played anonymously)

*The naga slither off to a nearby sunspot and laid in the middle of the floor coiled up sun bathing and just being glad to be able to finally sun bathe in peace and was very cozy in his spot*
Namarii (played anonymously)

"Xendri." She repeats, smiling once more. "It is indeed a beautiful place. Snow and a sea of stars and the clearest of skies." Her gaze turns dreamlike as she thinks of her homeland.
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Saiken is coating the bottom of her tail, with he solution, seems thats what her bubbles are made of, seconds later shes seens zooming around on her little tail raft "Zoom Zoomity Zoom zoom!"

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