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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Katraj (played anonymously)

*he lifted his tail up just so she wouldn’t slide into him as he open his eye a little bit seeing her soon about and had a small smile on his face*
Xendri (played anonymously)

"Perhaps you could show me..." Xendri suggested to Namarii. He gave another smirk before noticing what the other was doing, zooming about raising a brow a little.
He peeked his head out of the kitchen and laughed at the zooming one. "Look at her go"
Katraj (played anonymously)

*he nodded his head looking over and soon laying his head back down on his arms as his tail waved about in the air*
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Literally 2 seconds later she tumbles rolling into a ball of foam
Namarii (played anonymously)

"One of these times, my travels will bring me homeland. I am on a mission, and currently travel by wagon and horse, which my wagon is also my home. I am on a journey to become a master celestial cartographer, like my father was, making star maps of the places I visit." She smiles and drinks the rest of her tea.
Xendri (played anonymously)

Hearing out that this feline was on a mission, that piqued his interest. "A mission huh? Are you in need of a travel companion or a guard?" He asked. "For you to travel from place to place, I'm sure there are plenty dangers that will reveal their ugly faces to hinder your progress." So far, Xendri was just wandering about. Maybe offering up his services could keep him busy for a while. "I'm more than willing to crush those who fancies themselves as a threat to you."
Namarii (played anonymously)

"Thus far my only traveling companion is my horse, Marzipan, she pulls my wagon. I've taken temporary settlement around these lands while I make the celestial maps. I work during the night until sunrise and then sleep. Thankfully I've not come across those who wish to do me harm or threaten myself. I fear those who make fur out of animals the most." She trails off and turns her head away as a twinge enters her voice.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Namarii wrote:
"Thus far my only traveling companion is my horse, Marzipan, she pulls my wagon. I've taken temporary settlement around these lands while I make the celestial maps. I work during the night until sunrise and then sleep. Thankfully I've not come across those who wish to do me harm or threaten myself. I fear those who make fur out of animals the most." She trails off and turns her head away as a twinge enters her voice.

"It seems we have the same fears", Azumi said, "My son especially. He wouldn't let me turn into a regular four legged fox without making me wear a leash. He says it ensures I don't get mistaken as a stray dog by the pound, despite being a fox..."
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

"Doesnt that seem disgusting" she said, slowly sliding over on her littler tailboat (Get the joke?) "Sounds terrifying , being honest she said"

she looked at Azumi "Eh, you don't act like Kurama is described, I guess, you two do have different fur color "
(Yo whats up guys?!)

Aunn strode into the bar with a cocky look on her face and took a look around, surveying the patrons.
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

( Friend :D )

Saiken continued to zoom around the place on her tailboat "Nyooooom"
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

(Nothing much, really.)

Matt would then juggle a few diamonds and a cactus. "Sometimes, i wonder why i randomly pull out cactuses from thin air..."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi smiled as a new visitor entered the bar. She blew a party horn in celebration
Aun grinned and walked over to Azumi. "You come here often?" she asked. She didn't appear as she truly did, instead as a female tiefling and dressed flamboyantly.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then punts the cactus away as he puts the diamonds away before pulling out a 'sword' called the Ultra Pro 9000X. Yes, it's a hockey stick because why the hell not.

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Yes, I am a very frequent visitor. So many friends come here!", Azumi smiled, "However, my son seems rather disinterested in participating in the bar's merrymaking!"
Inspektor Bonk (played by Revereen)

Matt wrote:
Matt then punts the cactus away as he puts the diamonds away before pulling out a 'sword' called the Ultra Pro 9000X. Yes, it's a hockey stick because why the hell not.


Inspektor Bonk arrives and does the Mannrobics and accuses the hockey stick of being a spy!
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Saiken casually hits Inspektor like a koopa shell
Aunn nodded. "Bard aren't really meant for kids anyways," she replied a little dismissively. "I'm Kallista, by the way." she held out her hand for a handshake.

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