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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fumizuki is sitting on the sofa, doing some drawing on a sketchpad.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

((Hey randomentity, can you unblock me?))
Xendri (played anonymously)

Namarii wrote:
"Thus far my only traveling companion is my horse, Marzipan, she pulls my wagon. I've taken temporary settlement around these lands while I make the celestial maps. I work during the night until sunrise and then sleep. Thankfully I've not come across those who wish to do me harm or threaten myself. I fear those who make fur out of animals the most." She trails off and turns her head away as a twinge enters her voice.

"I could deal with them too if needed." Xendri offered.
Silvera wrote:
((Hey randomentity, can you unblock me?))

((I haven't blocked you. Are you okay?))
Drael was asleep next to Fumizuki. His head was down and his arms folded across his chest.
Theo is also flopped out on the sofa, outwardly he seems quite serene. Inside his armour is a different story, with Theo just staring blankly at the wall while "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. plays via his armour's HUD media player.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

Andrew was sitting at the bar with his head down. In his suit he was listening to End of the World by Cold.
Katraj (played anonymously)

*the naga would be snoozing in the middle of the floor before awaking him self and staring at the new person tilting his head to the sides* “what seems to be troubling you human….”
Namarii (played anonymously)

Strolls around the bar, softly strumming her lyre to the tune of Ave Maria. She hums along with the harp.
Katraj (played anonymously)

“Ah I love the harp… my mother used to play it as a lullaby for me as a baby when I was grumpy and couldn’t sleep”
Namarii (played anonymously)

She smiles and strums lightly as she speaks, "I find it a soothing instrument as well, it's my favorite of the tuning instruments. I get goosebumps even myself still when I play pleasing chords." She then holds up her crescent moon harp with admiration.
Xendri (played anonymously)

Xendri decides to leave to start a new mission.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He lifted his head and looked at the Naga "I'm just really tired"
Katraj (played anonymously)

*he nodded his head towards him* “ah ok.. you seemed glum at first sight”
Anna (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Anna then enters the bar, in a happy mood right now. What's up with her? "Hello, everyone!"

Katraj (played anonymously)

*the naga just waved back before going back to what he was doing*
Anna (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"So! How's everyone doing today, huh?" Anna said before sitting down at a table.
"Fine." This was a lie, but Theo wasn't going to let anyone know that.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Anna wrote:
"So! How's everyone doing today, huh?" Anna said before sitting down at a table.

"I'm doing great!", Azumi replied then looked at Theo, "Especially with old friends around! It's nice to see you again Theo!"
Thorian (played anonymously)

A tall blonde woman came in, a cloudy mist following her. She walked right up to Azumi and offered a fox plushie.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

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