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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Nolegs would be rolling to Nightmare and then he handed her a cloudberry. "Here ya go."

Karina and Marina (played by Reithesniper)

"... why do you say eat anyways,, do you mean like fight or destory or something like that..?", she looked closely at the woman inspecting her "huh.."
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

“Oh no dear you have it all wrong I mean eat them like their insides hun” *she nodded as a thanks to the cat*
Karina and Marina (played by Reithesniper)

Marina looked confused "ok.. can I see something?" She would ask
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

“What do you mean dear what do you want to see..?”
"Wait, timeout. YOU EAT PEOPLE'S INSIDES?!" 3-C0-B8-A35-54-E3-4894-B1-F7-F931161-A3-F92.jpg
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

*she tapped her nails on the table* “only the ones that cross me or pick a fight with me dear…”
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

“It’s my way of saying like I’m the black market I do dirty deeds so for others and they pay me in others insides”
"My god... Hey, wait. Matt has been looking for people to fight lately but they're not much strong. Think you can spare him a good time with a duel?"
Karina and Marina (played by Reithesniper)

"Come here lady" she said grabbing her chin and turning her head slightly, studying them
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

“If he pats me with food then we got a deal but if he doesn’t pay me he will become the food…”
"Ah, no worries. He's probably at the shop buying some fo-"
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

*she growled looking at her* “don’t touch me if you dare touch me again I would mind throw a scorpion on you!!!”
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then bursts through the door. "Hey, guys."
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

*she tilts her head looking at the person who bursted in* “who are you…”
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"I'm Matt. Just some random 'pirate boy' who has a thing for battles, food, treasures and video games. (also to include beer too.)"
Nightmare (played by starwolf)

“Hmm…ok maybe we can fight later of course you can see I’m busy…”
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"That's fine with me. I'll be at the tables, upgrading my equipment."
Karina and Marina (played by Reithesniper)

Nightmare wrote:
*she growled looking at her* “don’t touch me if you dare touch me again I would mind throw a scorpion on you!!!”

"Calm down woman, Im just studying you-"

She still continued to study her, now taking pictures on a sheikah slate

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus