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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Thorian (played anonymously)

She smirked, "I can send some wind to push some flies you're way if you want?" She giggled at the half joke since some spiders eat flies but she did not know if Streak did.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he tilted his head* “I’m not that hungry for food right now but thanks for the offer I guess?”
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

Mm outside the sky looks as if its bending before its suddenly starts getting lifted away.. jesus christ what is it this time?-
Thorian (played anonymously)

"You're welcome." She said with nod, then sipped her wine.

Thorian sensed the change in weather but did not do anything about it. Not yet.
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

For a moment nothing happened.. well after that brief second of gravity becoming null it swapped as a blackhole has essentially just appeared in the sky eating away at everything
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

(Ya know whatt.. screw the theatrics-)

After about 2 seconds later everything calms down.. yummy atmosphere sphere tho.. anyways the singularity descends, the blackhole shrinking and then turning into a humanoid form "This is new.. never experienced teleportation before.." the woman said floating over to the bar
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he stared at a little bug ensnared into his web and he scurried over to the small helpless bug and bit the poor thing and soon ate it in one bite*
Thorian (played anonymously)

Thorian watched Streak eat his meal before she looked over at Yami, "Dramatic entrance. Hello there." She grinned.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he munched on it for awhile before getting rid of the exoskeleton of the bug and just made it wrapped up in his web*
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

"Actually.. I mostly just appeared there, truly wasn't my intention.." she said "If I may, well actually can I assume.. this isnt just space right, this isnt you know.. my universe?" she looked a little puzzled
"Disappearing from the sky, I hope that won't worry humans too much.." she said
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he looked down and then looked around the ceiling seeing nothing so he start to spin some webbing to add some decoration to the ceiling in his own way*
Thorian (played anonymously)

"Humans are surprisingly tough." She said with a nod, then glanced up at the ceiling, "Nice work!" She praised Streak.

Then she turned her attention to Yami, "I don't know the answer to that one. But we could find out if you answer some questions?"
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

"Answer questions.. sure " she nodded her head, sitting.. well floating..
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he nodded his head pleased by the appraise from her and did a little bit more work before heading down to the ground by a sticky silk line*
Thorian (played anonymously)

She sipped her wine and then looked at Yami, "Who is the President of the United States?"

Then she looked at Streak and offered him his water.
Namarii (played anonymously)

Sits by the fire, curled up on the couch while reading a book and drinking some honey herbal tea.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he gladly took it and started to take sips of water stretching out his 8 legs enjoying the feeling of stretching*
Thorian (played anonymously)

She ordered another honey herbal tea for Namaarii.

Then she smiled at Streak, "Enjoy you're snack?"
Namarii (played anonymously)

Gladly takes another cup of herbal tea, just finishing her first cup. "Thank you." She purrs.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he grinned at her* “yea I enjoyed my snack it was pretty easy to fix up” *he looked up at the empty shell of the once Alive bug in his web*

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