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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

"I was given the designation of Hyrelios-32 when I was activated." The Skitarii's voice is monotone and robotic, with barely any trace of the humanity that he was built on.
He rested in a booth and closed his eyes.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He rested in a booth and closed his eyes.

If one can spot her, Azumi is standing in front of Mathius, making silly faces.
Zero (played by Revereen)

"Knock it off, pipsqueak!", Zero said to Azumi, "Mathius is sleeping, give him a break..."
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He rested in a booth and closed his eyes.

If one can spot her, Azumi is standing in front of Mathius, making silly faces.

He would pick Azumi up and put her on his shoulder and went into the kitchen to start his day. He was lassiez-faire and deadpan about it.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*the black widow followed them but he was on the ceiling so it was a bit more noticeable since how big he was*
Trying his best Salad Fingers impression, he spoke to Streak "come down from there at once, Hubert Cumberdale..."
Grey (played by starwolf)

*the spider narrowed his four eyes* “what is that some nickname of mine I truly dislike the name of it if it is then!” *he scurried down from off the ceiling*
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

Blackhole-Chan floats about, don't mind her drifting like always not absorbing stuff tho-
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he stared at the girl confused on what was happening* "why are you floating for I thought only ducks and other birds can glide?"
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

"I am a living blackhole, I weigh quite a bit, and changing my own gravity lets me float" she said "You cant do it because your much lighter than this place"
Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

Attor walks into the bar in human form. His draconic one was a little large to fit in the door. He looks around for someone to talk to
Namarii (played anonymously)

Rests on the couch, working on drinking her honey vanilla latte that she made earlier. She has a book open in her lap.
Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

The girl piques his interest. Attor walks toward her, adjusting his glasses nervously. "Um.. hey, if I may ask, what are you reading?"
Grey (played by starwolf)

*the spider stared at two interacting and soon climbed back up the wall before heading back onto his web*
Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

His attention snapped from the girl to the spider. It freaked him out, but he wanted to know more about him. "Hey, um, how do you do that?"
Nolegs then crashed through the doorway, using the warp star. "WOO!" He then jumps off the warp star into a roll then he bounced off the wall then onto a table. "Good day, everyone!"

Grey (played by starwolf)

"I'm part black window so we can easily climb up walls and spin silk from our abdomen and make webs to trap prey I'm like your average black widow just a bit more bigger with a nasty attitude and bite"
Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

"Oh." He replied, eyeing the creature that smashed through the wall. "And how does that work?"
Namarii (played anonymously)

Her ears bounce as she hears someone talk to her, she smiles friendly, "It's a mystery novel. Called Murder at the Bookstore."

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