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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

Turning back to the girl, he smiles. "May I see it? It's not what I'd usually read, but I may check it out.."
Grey (played by starwolf)

Attor wrote:
"Oh." He replied, eyeing the creature that smashed through the wall. "And how does that work?"
"I have no clue who or what that thing is but if I ran into the wall I would of lost one of my 8 legs that I own"
Namarii (played anonymously)

She nods with a gently smile and passes him the book. "It's about a woman who takes over a bookstore, then finds herself solving a murder mystery."
He started making some vinaigrette dressing
Yami (played by Reithesniper)

Yami floated to the kitchen.. shes a blackhole.. bound to be hungry
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he watched as many things were happening feeling a tad bit overwhelmed and he soon scurried back up in his web to relax as he made a little den within the web for him to relax in*
Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

Reading the little blurb on the back, the dragon smiles. "Sounds interesting enough, I'll check it out from the library sometime.."
Naomi (played by randomentity777)

Naomi makes her way in. "Hey everyone."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish popped his head out the kitchen...waving to Naomi "Welcome" she said
Grey (played by starwolf)

*the spider soon came out from hiding and came down from his web and gently went on the ground stretching his arms out and his other eight legs out as well*
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Did you take a nap" Wish would ask approaching "If so I can make you something to eat" he said, the only thing that changed was the fact hes wearing an apron now-
Grey (played by starwolf)

“Ah no I didn’t take a nap- well sort of I guess you can call it a nap but you don’t have to cook me food don’t you think I’m pretty well ugly to be a spider?”
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Ah, two things"

"I like helping, I guess.. and cooking is a hobby-"
"And two, nobody is really ugly to me, just different" he said smiling "Sure your a bit different, still a person nonetheless"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“I wouldn’t even say I’m a person I act more of a spider then human even though I do have hands and can talk which I guess a normal spider doesn’t have on them but sure I guess you can cook”
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Well.. any dish in particular, is your diet much different than a human, or much more akin to a spider?" he'd ask, still not seeing the difference between the two
Grey (played by starwolf)

“I guess anything will do for now since I’m not too hungry for bugs I wouldn’t mind something normal for once in my life”
He stood back watching his son and beaming with pride. "My son is just as good as I am when it comes to cooking"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“I’ve never seen a man so happy before in my own life to see his kids like this..kinda odd for me to see since I dont have kids…”
"Being a father is the greatest thing I've ever done, and Fate's Circle has saved these universes several times over. I love my son more than anything I existence"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“Well that’s interesting to know I guess…”

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