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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Grey (played by starwolf)

“Oh haha my mistake your Royal Highness” *he rolled his eyes* “also I’m a black widow to be honest not really in the tarantula family”
He tossed the buffalo to the mimic "heads up...." he looked and nodded to Mathius.
She eats the Buffalo and smiles
"You should add whole Buffalo to the menu"
Kal'tsit (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Fifteen feet is not really that tall. My..."familiar", if you call it that, is a little over twenty-nine feet tall."
"Whole buffalo is a very niche menu item" he chuckled
"Well, idk"
Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

"The biggest God-Engines of the Collegia Titanica stand 50 standard meters tall. So be the will of the Omnissiah."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish casually walks over to the mimic just looks at them, hes never seen a humanoid mimic before.. well, not like this anyways. So he would pull out a small book and begin sketching her "Wow..." he said quietly... looking around he had a lot of people to sketch, most of his sketches kept facial features ambiguous, so this didn't change
She smiles and poses for wish
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Honestly.. he wasn't going for a pose.. but nonetheless he continued to draw "If I may ask, how do you differ from a normal chest Mimic?" he would ask "Do only you posses a human form instead of being a chest with a mouth.. are there more like you?" he'd ask
"I'm the original evolved mimic, but mimics are not chests sweetheart, most mimics have a true form" she smiles a bit "but I am one or the few capable of speech, when I exist around another mimic it evolves, but not as much as I did"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“So your saying each mimic can have its own thoughts and personalities because of you?”
"Yes, otherwise the mimics exist only to eat"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“Huh sounds like me kinda”
"Well, you have a personality already"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“Yea I know”
She pets the spider on the head
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Ah... that makes.. actually.. less sense.." he said "other Mimics evolve when they're around you?" he said "Perhaps she releases a pheromone that causes a mutation or just a change in the body..?"

"Other than literal shapeshifting-"

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