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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"You are quite correct about the pheromone"
"I've got a tome about varities of shapeshifters back at the temple, son. I want you to start reading it"
Grey (played by starwolf)

"so is it like how you could in a way attract a mate but not really more like it just changes their DNA?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"...-" he groaned "Alright alright, I'll do it later father.." he said finishing his drawing and starting on the notes "Apatoteratus mimeticus.." he said quietly, "You're a bit different than the average mimic.. having trouble coming up with a specific name, since you're not really the average mimic.."
"Just call me the queen mimic, no need for Latin sounding names"
But if you need to, it would be regina mimica
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby would then enter the bar... from the window. "Poyo poyo." ("Hey guys.")
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Ah, thank you.. I guess that makes you your own species, unless those evolved also produce the same effect-" he said
Others who evolve do not produce the same affect as me
Grey (played by starwolf)

*The spiders mandibles moved around as he just watched*
She smiles softly at the spider
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he tilted his head* “did I do something or are you just happy to see the spider”
"I'm just happy to see you little spider"
Grey (played by starwolf)

“I’m not that little….”
"To me you are tiny"
Joey (played by Jaws)

A young man wheeled into the bar. He paused for a moment and retied his green bandanna around his head.
Grey (played by starwolf)

“That’s because your 15 feet tall ma’am and I’m just a normal height person while your a huge mimic which I’ve never heard of before”
Joey (played by Jaws)

"Excuse me." He passed by them and pulled up to the bar counter.
"Hey Korby! Welcome!"

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